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Amelia never likes meeting new people. She was a shy girl and would rather play alone with her dolls than have to be social and risk embarrassment. So that's what she did, until one day her teacher decided that her class was going to write a letter to a class all the way over in California. This alarmed her because she knew she wasn't very good at writing and now she had to write to someone she didn't even know? She tried and tried to get her teacher to change her mind. Nonetheless, a week later she had stamped her envelope and reluctantly put it in the mailbox. Over the next few days she anxiously awaited a response, not because she was excited like the rest of her class but because she was nervous. On the Friday after the letter had been sent her name had been called to go see what her new pen-pall had written about.

Dear Amelia,
Hi there! My name is Jake. I am ten years old and am in fifth grade. I think it's so cool you live in Michigan. I loved your story's about the winter storms you've had there. I wish I could see snow, it too hot here for that. I hope you write back meils.
Your friend, Jake
P.S. I nicknamed you meils, I hope that's okay.

Amelia smiled at the letter, maybe this assignment wouldn't be too bad after all. The weeks later her and Jake sent each other letters all the time, never running out of things to say. Those weeks turned to months, months to years, until the very last letter. It was the beginning of freshman year and Amelia had a wonderful idea, she and Jake should send each other one picture of themselves so that they know who their talking to. Jake agrees and soon she receives a letter and a picture from Jake. She decides to read the letter first.

Hey meils!
I cannot believe we haven't done this until now, I mean we've been talking since 5th grade and have just now decided to see who we're talking too? Crazy! Anyways, I printed my favorite picture of myself for you because your my best friend. Hope you love it! See ya Meils!

Amelia then looked at the picture and was shocked. Jake looked to be about 6 ft and had dark curly fluffy hair, he also had eyeblack on that looked smudged like he had just gotten out of a game. As well as baseball pants and a cap, but no shirt. Amelia blushed at that and immediately got to work on a new letter to Jake.

Hey Jakey!
Wow. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I was not expecting that. I mean I'm sorry but you're very hot. I can see why that's your favorite picture lol. Speaking of pictures, I really hope you like this one <3

Amelia awaited for jakes response in hopes for some flirty remark but after a week or so with not hearing from him she began to worry. She knew that he was busy as it is football season and he's a freshman on varsity but he always writes back as soon as possible. After waiting for over a month she begins to lose hope and worries she went to far in her response or maybe that he didn't like her picture. Those months lead to years later when the letters and her and Jake aren't even a thought in her mind

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