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     "How was your day sweetheart?" Amelia heard from a voice that could only be known as her best friend.
"Horrible," she flops onto her bed, "there's this annoying-ass guy in almost all of my classes, his names like jack or something."
"Hold up, you've got Jake cooper in your classes? He's like the hottest new guy in school. I heard he plays like all sports and he's from California."
"I don't care how hot he is or where he's from. He stole my favorite drawing pencil. He's dead to me."
"Don't kill him yet, I wanna see if he's fruity."
"oh my god Dylan is that all you think about? I'm going to v's dorm"
"Wait, before you go this letter came for you. It apparently got lost in the mail like nine years ago."
"Ooh hand it over"

Hey Meils! I gotta say I was nervous sending the picture, I didn't want you to think anything bad of me. I do have to say I usually wear glasses but that day I just happened to wear my contacts. Now, on to the more important topic, you are actually the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I just love everything about you. Write back soon.
Love, your jakey

"Who the hell is your Jakey?"
"Some guy I used to write to freshman year, I always thought he didn't want to write me anymore after I sent him a picture of me. Turns out the letter got lost in the mail... oh well that was years ago, I'm off to see v don't wait up for me."
Amelia decided to take the long way to v's so she could think about the letter. As she strolls across the campus she's greeted with a thud.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry." She hears from a deep voice, "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
Amelia looked up to see... you guessed it, Jake.
*shit, I do not need this right now*
     "WHAT THE FUCK" Amelia yelled.
    "Shh, I said I was sorry, what's got you all upset?"
      Amelia wanted to say nothing was wrong and tell him to get lost but something just seemed so familiar to her. It was almost like she knew him before... that's it! Amelia rips her phone case off and a picture falls to the ground. She hurry's to grab it but before she could jakes got it in his hands.
     "Ummm where did you get this?" He questions showing confusion in his voice.
     "Hey Jakey..." this was all Amelia could say, she didn't know what to say. All she wanted to do was leave. He had broken her heart by not responding to her, but technically he did.
      *shit* she thought again
     "What the fuck, meils?"
      "Hey Jakey" once again this was all she could say.
     Jake looked pissed. Amelia didn't know this but Jake waited every day for a letter to come to him. Everyday he got let down seeing she did not care about him. Everyday Jake lost hope. He still checks for a letter, hoping one day the love of his life would respond.
     Now seeing her in front of him, knowing it's her had him pissed. He was mad at himself for still being in love with her. As he studied her body from her long tan legs to her beautiful green eyes Amelia stood unsure what to do next.
      "We need to talk" she says, so quietly that Jake almost didn't hear her. The only reason he knew she spoke was because his eyes lingered a little too long on her lips and he saw them move.
      "No shit" he snapped, and with that they exchanged numbers planning to meet up the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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