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If you choose not to read this chapter, I will put a safe friendly content summary at the very bottom of this chapter. You won't miss anything by not reading this.


His arm held tight onto my forearm, his eyes shaded and dull, a deep blue that pulled me under.

I won't say I know every face around here, that I have seen every single one of thousands of men Elias kept, but I know for certain that I have never seen him before.

There was a coldness in his eyes like I've never seen, a mission playing out in his head as he tightened his grip. I was a deer in headlights as I turned my gaze back down the hallway, wondering if anyone would come down and see this.

Tell me that he was a friend, one of the guards, one of the drivers. But the tightness of his grip, and the chilly air in his eyes told me that was far from the truth.

"You will do exactly as I tell you." He said in a low calculated voice, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I was terrified.

"What?" I snarled, choking back words, hiding that fucking fear that began to rise in my throat. I could smell his intentions in the air like a musk, and it began to drag me down.

When he walked forward I pressed my palms against his chest to stop him, but he quickly pushed me against the wall, my back cracking against the drywall. "I know Mr.Volkan wants to keep you as his little toy forever, break the deal and lie to his little beloved about her history." He whispered with a smile into my ear, as I tried to shove him away. "But my employer has plans for you, and, it doesn't include you staying here."

I stared back into his eyes. Confusion, rage. "Let me go." I said, my hands pressing against the lapels of his suit. No, no, oh Elias what have you done?

"You will do something for me." He said, and I shook my head over and over as I looked into the ocean blue eyes that had every intention of drowning me."or I will gut your husband in front of you." He told me, and I heard nothing but truth and intention In those words.

My mouth hung open, my heart racing under my skin, my blood running cold. "No." He couldn't do that, Elias would—

"There is a car waiting outside for you Syn Carnahan." He said, dragging his fingers down my jaw, and I turned my head in disgust at the feeling of his fingertips. Death and secrets mocking my every breath. No. No.

"Fuck you." I said back fast. Regretting it, but saying it anyways.

He smiled, that evil kind of smile at my spite. "I will say this once." He said back callously. "Betray him, and meet me at the car, or I will rip his and Aleksei's hearts from their chests."

"No." I said shaking my head. How could I even manage to. He'd never believe anything I did. "He won't believe it." I said quick.

"Don't you want to know who you are? What your made of? Your brother is waiting on you." He smiled, and my face dropped. My eyes widening.

My brother?

I didn't have a brother.

"I don't have a brother." I hissed, saying my thoughts aloud. Grinding my teeth at his lies. His—his lies. I'd know if I had a family member still breathing. Elias would have known, he'd have told me. I'd have known.

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