Mexico's house (Chapter five)

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The house went dead silent, not an sound, no footsteps, not a voice. I knew what that meant, Canada can be scary when he really wants to or when emotions get into his head. Personally I've never seen Canada so quiet, I mean he is quite at times but when you fuck with him, then you'll better say goodbye to all of your friends and family!

After ten solid seconds of silence I heard Aussie ask Canada, I think. "Why do you have the axe mate? What ya' planning?"

After the question I heard Canada call out " America, Open the door, or I'll open the door myself!" Canada had an axe for safety reasons but he loves his axe! He has his name carved into the handle of the Axe, I think Father gave it to him at the age of 10. Mother had to take the Axe away so many times because he started to grow very violent if anyone messed with him, america or their family and would use it to harm people if someone ever did hurt anyone in the family!

I grabbed my hand gun, and a switchblade. I walked to my window and unlocked it.

"If you don't open the door I'll have Kinder Joys in your room all over the walls and I'll make sure you can't run away!" Canada said from the other door. My heart skipped a beat when I heard Kinder Joy. My anxiety started to act up and I put my feet through the window, I looked at my door as I heard the Axe go through my door.

"Bye Candy!" I know he hates that name, he aways has, I picked that up from Aussie or New Zea/ Zealand. Aussie and New Zea are twins, they're the middle child in the family. Aways sneaky, scary, and aways anywhere when you less expect them to be there! I jumped out of Window!

I think I rolled my ankle for a few minutes but the pain wasn't that bad until I arrived at Mexico's door, I started to run to Mexico's house, lipping my way over.

When I got to Mexico's house I fell on the ground crying in pain, I reached for the door and managed to knock on the door, I wanted scream because of the pain I was in. I managed to hold back a scream.

What seemed like hours the door opened to revive Mexico with a knife in her hand.
"Hola?" She asked looking around but not down.

"M-Mexico... h-help... me... p-please..." I said tearing up, I looked up at her.

Mexico looked down and finally noticed me! Her eyes widened and kneeled down, She checked me if I got any cuts, I didn't have any cuts if you maybe asking! Well... I did, but she wasn't able to find them.

"What happened to you fucker!?"Mexico said as She picked me up and carried me inside.

"Well you see, my brother Canada found something in my room, then I jumped out of my room!" I explained to Mexico, after I finished explaining everything. I left the a Suicide Notes out of the Explanation, Mexico just gave me that 'Wtf' look.

She shook her head and mumbled under her breathe a Mexican prayer, She walked off.

I started to fall asleep, but then heard a few footsteps come over to me, I was sitting on the couch with my ankle up, I opened my eyes and saw Mexico looking at me.

"What? Do you want me to leave?" I asked and she shook her head no, She glared at me and said in a very pissed tone.

"¡¿Por qué diablos saltaste por la ventana?!(why the fuck did you jump out the window?!) "

I think she said 'why did I jump out the window' I'm not fluent in Spanish. Now it was my turn to give her a blank look.

She released and was about to slap me, She saw me turned my head, put my hands up and closed my eyes tightly.

She sigh and replied herself in English then said to me "You told me you're great in Spanish! You told me you where doing your homework with Spanish!"

"I-I know I know...also like I said about Canada, broke my door and I freaked out-..." I said and sigh sleepy.

"I'm telling your eldest brother (Canada) that your here- but as for you, you're going to rest, and if you don't I'll make sure I'll take Texas from you- understand?" Mexico said pissed off.

I nodded and curled up, I released that Mexico's hand was rapped with paper, I wonder if Mexico hand bandages.

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