Flashbacks (Chapter Seven)

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" s-stop! please... p-please... please I beg you!" New Zealand called out, Aussie was holding New Zealand back.

I was on the ground, My Father glared down at me,

"daddy stop! Please!!! He just a 10 year old boy! " New Zealand cried out tears falling down his face.

I looked over to my two older twin brothers, Aussie was in total shock, as New Zealand was held back from Aussie. "I-it's fine " I said shaking in fear and pain, I looked up to my old man with a smile "I-I still love you daddy! "

Uk's eyes widen, my father had confused look, and shock on what I said to the old man. He looked away and walked off, He seemed pissed off, shocked, maybe Confused—? Who knows, but him.

Canada lived on his own at the time, he'd lived with a 3 bedroom house, not too far from father's and mother's house. I'd go for 'long walks' to see my eldest brother.

I got up from the ground and whipped blood off my face, I turned to see Aussie on the ground and New Zea running to me, I froze in place and covered my face.

I started to cry in fear New Zea would hurt me, New Zea stopped in place seeing how petrified I was, He couldn't believe that I was only ten and was scared to death that I would get hurt from one of my order brothers. Zea teared up, he looked at Aussie, I looked at the two shaking like I got out of the cold rain or something.

Aussie walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder " mate— no need to fear us, we aren't like dad...we promise!" Aussie said and pulled me into a hug.

The next thing I know is I woke up screaming "AH!" I'd looked around and saw Canada running into the living room.

"You alright?! What happened?! You hurting!!??!!" Canada asked worried as hell that I was hurting worse then before.

"J-just a flashback, and I'm not hurt" I said, then it dong on me that I was asleep on the couch. I mean I've woken up to worse! Like one time I went to sleep on the floor the next day I woke outside! My father tried to kick me out so many times my brothers would tell mother!

My father yelled at me one night, he started to threaten me, and my own life— and I just ran off. I later found out that Mother slapped father across the face for scaring me so bad that I ran away.

I noticed the room started to spin around me, The next thing I knew, I heard my eldest brother call my name, yet it sounded so far away.

I could hear my dearest brother crying for me to get up. I didn't have the strength to wake up. I felt bad as my eldest brother cried my name name over and over.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I kept repeating in my thoughts, my heart ached in pain just listening to my brother— I heard a ringing from a phone, and a pick up.

"Help me! Help me! Help me! Please I beg you, I-I beg you!" Canada said in a panic... I'm not sure who he called until I heard the voice.

"Mate! breathe, I'm on my way, but tell me what happened—" Aussie said a bit worriedly, or he sounded worriedly.

I could hear Canada explain everything what happened, with sobs. I felt worse then usual.

When I was in the darkness I could hear random voices here and there, Or see a flicker of light.

"Worthless! Heartless! Look at your older brother's, they're better then you are! Careless! " Uk's voice yelled at him through the darkness.

I curled up in the darkness covering my ears, Tears falling down my face, I started to shake in pain, and fear.

"Stop- stop stop stop!" I cried out as the voice grew louder and louder. I'd closed my eyes tightly pure fear.

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