Little Hatchlings

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The Longan Dragon. The one Dragon all other Dragons feared. The rutheless, and merciless Dragon who turned all others into stone within the blink of an eye. Wether it be Dragon, or any other race.

Longan was flying through the sky. There were no other Dragons around, since they were in hiding whenever they sensed Longan's presence. So Longan had the skies all to themselves. But they stopped. Their eyes looked around. Was that...Crying they heard? Longan used their all seeing eyes to see where the cries were coming from. It was a nest. It had one hatchling, and three more unhatched eggs. There were two Dragon Skeletons beside the nest. Longan was curious, so they decided to go to the nest. They arrived. Once they had arrived, the crying turned into whimpering. Longan came closer to the nest, and peered into it. There was a small Dragon. He had brilliant Golden Scales. And beside him, were three eggs. There was a Light Blue egg with a flower on top of it, a speckled greenish red egg, and a violet egg. Longan looked over at the two Dragon Skeletons beside the nest, and back at the small Dragon.

Longan: It seems you're all alone, weak one. It's just you and these three eggs. Any remaining family that you have besides those eggs are dead. Sad, isn't it?

The Baby Dragon didn't respond. It only stuck it's tongue out.

Longan: How bold of you. Most Dragons wouldn't dare to even look at me. The only reason you haven't been turned to stone currently, is because you are young and stupid.

Longan huffed and turned away from the nest. They were caught by surprise when they felt a nip on their tail. They turned their head. The Baby Dragon was biting on their Tail. It growled at them. Longan remained expressionless.

Longan: Amusing. You have courage, young one. You have potential to become strong you know.....I'll take you, and those eggs in. You'll become my brethren.

The Baby Dragon gasped in surprise as Longan picked them up. It growled, but Longan payed no mind. Longan grabbed the other three eggs, and put them in their arms along with the baby Dragon. Longan flew off, leaving the two large Dragon Skeletons behind. Soon, Longan arrived at their Palace.

Longan: This is your new home little one.

Longan looked at the Baby. It was exploring the newfound area it was in. It sniffed the floor, and looked around. It smiled, which Longan found, kinda cute.

Longan: Now that you're under my care, I shall give you a name. Your brilliant Golden Scales remind me of this fruit I know of....You shall be named, the Ananas Dragon.

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