Raising Hatchlings

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It had been a few months since Longan took in the hatchling and the eggs. The Eggs had finally hatched. First, the Light Blue egg had hatched. Out came a beautiful hatchling with an unbloomed flower on top of their head. Then after a while, the reddish green speckled egg had hatched. Out came a small red hatchling with speckled white hair. Then lastly, after another month, the violet egg had hatched. Out came a small violet dragon with white hair. Longan lived for a few years with these hatchlings. As their bodies grew, so did their personalities. The small Dragon with the Brilliant Golden Scales, who Longan had named Ananas, grew into a serious, but a stuck-up little shit, who thought they were better than everyone. Even Longan. Longan sometimes grew tired of Ananas, but they still had their patience. Meanwhile, the hatchling with the light blue scales, who Longan named Lotus, grew into a calm and rational, yet manipulative Dragon. The flower on top of their head was blooming little by little. Lotus and Ananas often clashed, as their personalities often didn't fit well together.

Lotus: My, my, Ananas. For someone so old, you really aren't wise, are you?

Ananas: Excuse me!? Respect your elders, brat!

Longan: The both of you, behave.

Both of the young Dragon froze. Ananas growled, and then flew off. Lotus simply smiled, and kept playing on their mandolin. Longan simply shook their head. Those two would never stop fighting would they? Meanwhile, another one of the young Dragons came to Longan and kept tugging on their tail.

Pitaya: Longan, Longan!

Longan looked at the young speckled hair Dragon.

Longan: Yes, Pitaya Dragon?

Pitaya: Fight me Longan! Fight me! I'm sssure I'll win this time!

Longan sighed. Pitaya was one who also always fought with Ananas. Ananas had a serious demeanor, but Pitaya was playful, and not serious at all. Pitaya was also one Longan always had to keep an eye on. They often ran away, and kept getting themselves into trouble.

Longan: We have already discussed this, Pitaya Dragon. No fighting. You are still too young, and too stupid.

Pitaya: Ssstupid!? Who are you calling ssstupid!? I'll show you ssstupid!

Pitaya was about to bite Longan, but Longan grabbed them by the scruff, and Pitaya was dangling in the air.

Pitaya: Ow! Clawsss off!

Longan: How many times must I tell you? You are no match for me.

Another one of the Dragons came and flew by Longan's side. It was the youngest of them. The violet one. They giggled.

Lychee: Yeah, why don't you just listen to Longan? You should listen to them! You're no match for them!

Pitaya: Ssshut up, you coward!

Longan: That's enough, both of you. Thank you for the support, Lychee Dragon. But I can handle it from here.

Lychee: Okay!

Lychee happily flew off. Longan sighed. Perhaps they should have had second thoughts about raising four Dragons.

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