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The Longan Dragon had a conversation with the Millennial Tree. More so on their point of views on life, what they do with their power, and their opinions on other living creatures. The Dragon and the Tree clearly had very different tastes and perspectives.

Millennial Tree: Life is a very delicate thing. Especially when young. Which is why we must nurture and love it, until it is old enough to fend for itself. No matter which life it is.

Longan: What a pitiful point of view. Some creatures, even when nurtured, grow to be weak, and defenseless. That is why, their lives are meant to satisfy the strong. Either as servants, or as an energy source. As for raising the strong, love is not a factor. Love is non-existent. Love is for the weak. It's just an illusion made by weak-hearted creatures such as you, who wish to be treasured in a special way, when in fact, your life is meaningless to the other party.

Millennial Tree: Really now? So are the lives of those little Dragons meaningless to you?

Longan: Keep any word about my brethren out of your mouth. I treasure their lives, but there is no non-existent love.

Millennial Tree: If you treasure them, that means you care for them. Therefore, you love them.

Millennial Tree smirked, and Longan glared at him.

Longan: Do not try to twist my words, Tree. Care and love are two different things.

Millennial Tree: Well then, let me know when you change your mind about that someday.

Longan: I've had enough. You're a bother to talk with. I've kept my end of the deal, and you have supplied me an energy source throughout the conversation. I have things to take care of, so I will be leaving.

The Dragon stood, and began to take their leave.

Millennial Tree: So then, when will you be joining me again?

Longan turned one of their floating eyes towards Millennial Tree, not even bothering to turn around. Millennial Tree had a faint smile, somewhat hopeful. The Longan Dragon simply scoffed.

Longan: I foresee we will meet again, but not unless I find use of you. I would rather you stay away from me and my brethren in the meantime. If not....There will be dire consequences for coming near us.

And so, the Dragon left the Tree alone in the forest...Until they met again. The Longan Dragon made their way back into the Palace, where the hatchlings were not present, most likely in their rooms. Longan looked through their eyes in the Palace, and indeed, most of them were in their rooms. Pitaya was running around the Palace, with servants chasing after them, Ananas was stealing gold (again), Lotus was playing on their mandolin in their room, and Lychee was taking a nap. Longan stopped looking through their eyes, and made their way back to their quarters. All was at peace. Within the Palace, at least. Now was the time to get rid of the lower-class weaklings. Longan sent their eyes out, and gave them an order.

Longan: Eliminate the weak and lower-class. After all, they're lower than the low and have no right to live. The only purpose they serve is as an energy source.

The eyes nodded, and set out on their journey. Longan huffed and thought back on their words.

"The weak don't deserve to live..."

Yes. That is what they were taught. And that is what was correct. They don't deserve to have the same rights as those who can actually take control, nor even deserve a level of respect. Respect is earned, forcefully. After all, that is how it all played out, in the end.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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