Millennial Tree

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Longan flew to the Millennial Forest. They entered. On the inside, the forest was very majestic, and had beautiful flowers that didn't grow on most islands Longan had seen. But Longan simply ignored minor details such as these. Flowers were not as valuable as gold. There was only one flower which was actually valuable to them, and it was certainly not these ones. As they were in the forest, Longan could feel the supposed power, that was 'on par' with their level. Longan stared ahead coldly, ready to decimate whatever radiated this presence. They came closer...And closer...They could feel it. They were almost there. They stopped. There was a forest clearing. There was a Cookie, with antlers, and robes? ...........No. This was definitely not a Cookie. It was several races ahead of a Cookie. It was something powerful, in Cookie form. Whatever it was, it had gentle eyes, and seemed to attract wildlife. All the wildlife animals were right there with the creature. But all of a sudden, the animals stopped. They suddenly ran away from the creature, and headed the opposite direction of Longan. The creature with Antlers smiled, and looked towards Longan's direction. Longan frowned. Had this being really spotted them so easily? Usually, they were the Master of hiding their presence. The creature spoke.

???: Hello there, Dragon. Come, why don't you sit with me?

Longan narrowed their eyes. How dare this thing not cower in fear before them! They dare to speak so casually to them? Longan would have bared their fangs had it not been so uncouth. They slowly came out of the trees, revealing their presence to the creature. The creature let out another soft smile. Longan cringed and gave off a menacing look.

Longan: Do you have any idea who I am, little creature?

???: Hm... You're the Longan Dragon, correct? You terrorize all the other Dragons and turn them to stone.

Longan: I would rather reword it and say I put them in their rightful place. Just as I will to you. Bow down, you impudent pest.

The creature said nothing, and let out a soft chuckle. This only angered Longan more.

Longan: What are you laughing at? Do you find me as a joke?

???: No, of course not. I was just thinking maybe someone else's laughter would brighten your day. After all, laughter is contagious.

Longan huffed. Laughter? How stupid. Emotions are not needed. Longan found this creature annoying. It was about time to end them. Longan glared at the creature in order for them to turn to stone. A few seconds passed, and to Longan's surprise, the creature did not turn to stone. What was happening? Never before, had someone not turned to stone before their glare. What was this creature?

???: What an interesting technique. Have I not had my guard up, it might've actually worked. It's no wonder everyone is so terrified of you. But perhaps instead of fighting, why don't we have a chat?

Longan glared at this creature yet again. Their eyes glowed, and the skies darkened. Soon, a flash of lighting came down and shot down on the creature. Sizzling was heard, and smoke came up from the ground. Soon the smoke passed, and somehow, the creature was still alive!?

???: My, how aggressive. Had I not put up a force field, that would have hurt me for sure. But would you mind brightening the skies again? I fear the dark skies will scare the residents of the forest.

Longan's emotionless, but dark expression remained.

Longan: What are you, you puny little thing?

???: You may call me the Millennial Tree. My roots spread far and wide, so I was expecting you to come. Just like you, I have lived for quite a long time, and I can see many things in the world. But I see the world through a much different perspective than yours.

So this thing was a mere tree? No way. A tree couldn't be on par with a Dragon. And he claimed to see the same things as Longan? Longan could see the entire world through their eyes, there's no way this tree could do the same. A mere tree couldn't know such long years and have such foresight. Longan raised their arm for the first time in a long time. This time, much more powerful energy arose from them. The trees began to turn to stone, and all life drained from the grass. Almost as if the forest was...Dying. Millennial Tree frowned slightly.

Millennial Tree: Well now, can you not do tha-

Before the Tree could finish his sentence, there was a flash of light. Soon, the flash faded away, and there was Millennial Tree, with a wound on his arm, and a shattered force field around him. Millennial Tree slightly flinched. Longan remained emotionless, but seemed somewhat satisfied.

Longan: That is what you get for challenging your superiors. You may be above those other weaker life forms, but you are still weak.

Millennial Tree was still flinching. But then his hurt expression turned into a smirk. Longan looked into the future, and immediately saw what was going to happen. But before they could move, a giant vine whipped them, ripping a piece of their sleeve. Longan immediately drained the life from the vine and turned to Millennial Tree.

Longan: You insignificant little-

Millennial Tree: You call every life insignificant other than yours. But you fail to notice, just like you have a family and home, so do others. Some may not be as powerful as you, but we still have things to protect. We have goals, and we also have power, even if it is just a little bit. Everyone has potential. Just like you saw potential within those little Dragons long ago.

Longan froze. How did this thing know about their brethren? And was he trying to lecture them? Longan was about to attack again, but then they stopped. They went back to being calm and composed. Fighting this thing would not be beneficial to them. Pointless fights were not worth their time. This thing, was not worth their time. Whatever. The tree wasn't in their territory anyways, and isn't even a threat to them, so why bother? Longan huffed and turned around.

Millennial Tree: Why don't you stay here for a bit?

Longan: You aren't worth my time, Tree. Just as long as you don't go into my territory, you will be lucky enough to survive.

Millennial Tree: But there's so many things to talk about. Won't you just stay for a little bit? I will make it worth your time.

Longan: How so?

Millennial Tree: I see you like draining the life out of things. I can create plenty of life out of nothing.

Longan thought it over for a moment. They could tell the tree wasn't lying. And it would be beneficial for them to get more powerful. Longan said nothing, and turned back around. They floated on the air, and sat.

Longan: Fine. Entertain me, weakling.

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