~Chapter One~

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Uhhh I just found this photo in my gallery-

A Runaway Thief:


As this story continues, the people of this town will find themselves on the streets, shopping for food or begging for money. These days, most are begging for money, while some who dont even beg...
But steal.

Or other known as thiefs.

Thats me, I am what other people call a theif. But hey, how else am I going to get food? I'm not rich, I'm poor like the rest of these people what do you expect me to do?! Anyway I'm 25 years
old, and I.... Steal for a living? You know  what, nevermind, this town wasn't always like this.

I mean, this town had to have started somewhere! What would it have done? Just appear out of nowhere in the worst condition possible?! Yeah, no way, and no thank you. 

But what is great in these terrible times?


All the time, rich people go up and down these paths! Its perfect for thieves! As long as you don't get caught... But you sould be alright, most of the gaurds are really weak-

As long as the warden doesn't get you, otherwise-

Your doomed.

Like really doomed.

For real.

I'm not kidding.

BUT! Besides the trama from the warden- you will most like never meet him. If you lucky, which is like a 99%. It is very rare for someone to see less even get caught by the warden. And if you were, well, you're dead.

Although, other than that stealing is quite easy, most of the guards are sleeping at their posts. Not a single one awake, unless they were talking to each other.

But after that information you're most likely tired, so I'll say my goodbye now! Oh! And my names
Y/N! Goodluck, and don't get caught by the warden! See-ya!


-293 words

-Hi! This is my first book, and I was just gonna delete this chapter and give up on this book. Although I decided to give it one more go- so I hoped you liked it and enjoyed it. Im also sorry for it being short its like 4:23am and I am TIRED and dont have anymore energy- :,]

Goodbye! :,]

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