I can't get enough - Part 1

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* Y/N x KISS
* I wanna start with something that is wholesome, then later on, we can get to the good stuff.

☆you're a costume designer(how original) who was hired for making the clothing for the KISS boys, however things don't go as planned when the boys start to get a little jealous with all the attention you give to the others. Will they make a compromise, or will they fight for who gets to have you?

You always admired Rock Stars and the Energy they put onto the stage. Every part of the show was important; the entrance, the music, the lights and props, but what can really grab people's attention are the costumes. KISS was a big example of a band that has no problem showing off, kinda like a peacock showing off their feathers. You understood more than others how much effort goes into making clothing such as the ones that KISS wore. You work for your mother who's a tailor. She always use to sow your new blue jeans when you would get holes in them. She gave me the passion of designing and creating. When she offered me a job at the boutique, I just couldnt refuse. Since then I've been working hard to make sure that our business is booming. Today was no different. My mom called my name down and asked me to pick up the phone.

"Hello, Briar's fabric boutique, how may I assist you today?" I inquired. I could hear an oddly familiar voice on the phone. It sounded like a man who was not to far from my age and he had a New York accent. It was kinda hot, but that's no way to think of a customer. They asked to set up a meeting with the owner of the shop. I set them up for this afternoon at 12:10 p.m. I informed my mom of the party of 5 and went off to sweep the upstairs. I checked the clock around 12:09. 'a minute till the meeting' I thought. Just then I hear the door open downstairs with the bell chime going off. I hear some faint talking and footsteps going towards the office. After about 30 minutes, I heard my mom coming up the stairs.
"Hey honey, can you do me a favor, these young gentleman downstairs need someone to go on tour with them and help make their costumes. Unfortunately, I can't go due to the wedding order I'm still wrapping up. I understand that letting you go with a bunch of strangers isn't the safest idea, but once you see them, I don't think you'll have a problem 😉" she stated.
I was confused and baffled by her words. Why would she want to send me off with strangers just to make their clothing. Plus why would who they are change how I perceive them? Things were not adding up. I cautiously followed her downstairs and into the office. I was greeted by 4 familiar faces. 'Holy crap it's KISS!' I was shocked. No wonder why the voice on the phone sounded familiar. I assume that the fifth member was their manager. Bill Aucoin. I shooke their hands and sat down on the spare chair.

"Miss, we have a proposal," Paul stated. "We would like for you to come one tour with us, incase there are any fashion malfunctions. Plus we would like to see what you're capable of making." He added. I couldn't believe my ears. I was gonna be able to go on tour with KISS! It was a dream come true.

"Absolutely, It would be an honor." I stated with an undying smile on my face. The boys gave some small cheers and shoke hands with us again once we solidified the deal. I was told that they would pick me up tomorrow morning at 7:30 to get set on the trail. I went home and packed up my things up which was just bathroom products, clothing, and my sewing tools. I tried to think of anything else I might need, and that's when I saw my sketch book on my nightstand. I grabbed it just in case. Perhaps I'll get bored and draw in it or I'll sketch some designs in there.
Morning has come and now I await the boys. My mom gave me a kiss on my head and waved goodbye. I stood outside the boutique to wait. Soon after I got out there, the boys pulled up by the curb in their tour bus. I was told to hurry on, due to the attention that was already being drawn to them. We pulled off and started our journey; I wonder where it will take us.

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