stupid arguments

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Eric was known for his unique sense of style (which is why Paul had to buy him a new wardrobe last year when he joined Kiss). Of course, he pouted but eventually gave in. Even though his choice of clothing was a bit atrocious, I still respected him for expressing himself with caring what others thought. It is because of that that makes Eric and me closer than ever. We rarely got into fights. However, yesterday was a different story.

I decided to meet up with Eric at our favorite local coffee shop to catch up and discuss our lives and complain about them. As I walked into the coffee shop, I couldn't help but notice Eric's outfit. He was wearing a bright yellow polka dot shirt paired with striped pants and mismatched socks.

Me, being a fashion aficionado myself, couldn't resist commenting on Eric's eccentric choice of clothing. "Hey, Eric! I love your creativity, but I think you went a little overboard with those patterns. It's a bit too much," I said with a smile, trying to keep the tone light-hearted.

Eric and his spirited personality immediately took offense to the comment. "What do you mean, too much? This is my style, and I like it!" he retorted, crossing his arms defiantly.

I was taken aback by Eric's reaction. I quickly realized that my joke had unintentionally hit a nerve. "Eric, I'm sorry if I offended you. You know I respect your style and individuality. It's just... this combination is quite bold, even for you." I explained, trying to smooth things over.

But Eric, caught up in his pride, refused to back down. "Well, maybe I'm tired of always conforming to what others think, especially Paul. It was already hard to watch him replace my other clothing with new shit, but now I gotta here you complain about it too? I express myself through my clothing, and if you can't appreciate that, maybe we're not as close as I thought," he replied, his voice tinged with frustration.

Realizing that the situation was escalating, I took a deep breath and tried a different approach. "Eric, our friendship means the world to me, and I would never want something as trivial as clothing to come between us. I've always admired your ability to be yourself, and I still do. We can have different opinions about fashion, but it doesn't change how much I value our bond."

Eric's expression softened as the reader spoke. He realized that he had let his pride get the best of him. "You're right, Y/N. I overreacted. I appreciate your honesty, even if it stings a little," he admitted, reaching out to give me a hug.

The tension in the air dissipated, and we both shared a smile. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their shared love for music, discovering new hobbies, and laughing about our silly argument. In the end, our great relationship triumphed over a momentary disagreement about fashion.

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