Tragedy (Silence)

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MENTIONS DEATH, TALKS OF CANCER, AND SAD. IF ANY OF THOSE BOTHER YOU PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER. The story is basically about the death of a family and that isn't the best topic to read about so please skip if you know it'll bother you.

"I've never noticed how much I hated silence." Papa said followed my laughter and a long buzz. Those were papa's last words, my world vanished, high in the sky. My eyes flick to my grandfather and the smile on his face slowly fading away and the red line on the screen. The laughing stopped and the world moved slower. Everyone ran, where?, To get a nurse or crying to my grandfather, But not me.....

He told me what would happen. He knew it would be his last day, he foreshadowed it. He was tired of suffering and living in pain. We were tired of watching....

*Four months later, September 27th, 2022*

I walk home from school everyday and today was a depressing day. I got a 50 on my English test, all because I didn't have my notes. I forgot my lunch money and mom nor dad answered any of my calls. My grade in Spanish went from an A to a C because of a stupid pop quiz on information I wasn't there to learn. That, was only the first four hours of school and I thought my, couldn't get any worse.

Finally, after a 10 minute walk. I've reached my destination... Home. I get into the house and begin my search for my parents, usually they're talking about their days at work but no... They were crying, holding each other as they cried.

"Mom? Dad?!" I questioned confused at their saddened state. "Y/n?" My parents replied shocked,  as if they hadn't heard me walk in.

That, was last year. The day I found out my mother has cancer, just like papa...Only hers didn't give as much time as papa had when we found out.

*December 20th, 2022*

"5 days til Christmas mama! Aren't you excited?!" I question my sad looking mother. It's been about 3 or 4 months sine my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She's changed for the worse, pale skin, dark, baggy eyes, slowly losing hair that she ended up cutting off, and lack of being able to eat alone and walk. Doctors say speech will be next to go...

She attempted to reply to my question, but as she began to talk she began to cough, a lot. And with her cough, came blood...lots of it. "no..mama! DAD! DA-!"

*December 30th 2022*

10 days,

20 hours,

33 minutes,

and 52 seconds since her death

3 days, before her funeral.

And the day of her birthday. Christmas wasn't the same.

*January 21st, 2023*

They say "new year, new life, a chance to restart." But how, how could I restart without them. How could I continue to live without them. At least dad's still with me.

*February 14th, 2023*

I've never liked this date, Valentine's Day. Not that I was alone but because it was always a fishy date to me, Now I know why.

One second, we were eating ice cream in the park. Laughing...joking around, But the next. red and blue lights. Loud chattering, mumbling, or at least that's what it sounded like. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted up and placed on a soft table, a stretcher.  After looking in the sky for so long, my head felt heavy so it fell to the left. A body bag.

I wasn't sure who it was but I hoped, I prayed it wasn't him. Soon after I blacked out.

*Couple hours later*

I wake up to beeping, balloons, flowers, and the news. I look to my left and see grandma Betty, on my right is uncle Steve (Wink Wink) the way they jumped up tells me they saw my slight movement. "Y/n!! Sweetheart, your awake!" Grandma said rushing over to me followed by everyone else. Family, and people I've never met. but family.

"Where is he?"  I question.

*March 10th, 2023*

His funeral was weeks ago, and I was allowed to attend of course. But I was surrounded by nurses and wheeled around in the a wheel chair, I will admit it was fun riding around in that thing.

I'm still stuck in this hospital bed, or more like my death bed. My cousins and uncle and aunts, and other family members I've met at some point, were there. We all sat in silence, besides the television, as I slowly felt my life draining away.

Y/n  Y/m/n  Y/l/n, Dead at 16

*March 13th, 2023*

Silence. Completely quiet. I hated it.

"Ya know, " I started, gaining everyone's attention while struggling to spit it out. I saw how Uncle Steve and James looked at me, the nurses too. They knew what was coming, Looking around a bit more, everyone did.

I sighed as tears slipped from my eyes and relaxed further into the bed.

"I've never noticed how much I hate silence."




This story is a sad one and I realize people are gonna click on it and this will be the first thing they read.............

But they'll get happier, don't worry ; )

Love you and have an amazing night, rest, evening, or even morning.

Word Count : 861

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