Daisy Lillian Potter - Year 1

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Above is Daisy Potter

Full name: Daisy Lillian Potter

Biographical Information

Born: 31 july 1980

Blood Status: Half Blood

Marital Status: Single

Known as:

Daisy (by all)

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 152cm

Hair Colour: black with red ends

Eye Colour: green

Skin Colour: Pale

Family Members:

Harry Potter (brother)

Lily Potter (deceased mother)

James Porter (deceased father)

Petunia Dursley (maternal aunt)

Vernon Dursley (maternal uncle)

Dudley Dursley (maternal cousin)

Magical Characteristics:

Wand: Phoenix tail feather core, Curly Maple & Walnut 10 1/2 inches

Phoenix tail feather cores are historically known to be the rarest of the three with the greatest range of magical capabilities. They're the most difficult to tame and very picky in they chose to be their wielder. They're capable of acting on their own if necessary so be careful when handling a wand with a phoenix tail feather core! Notable magic folk with phoenix tail father cores: Harry Potter, He Who Must Not Be Named, Silvanus Kettleburn, and Celestina Warbeck.

Curly Maple & Walnut. Wands made of two different woods are often more versatile when it comes to their magical strengths and properties. For instance, maple has strong ties to wisdom, and walnut has incredible healing properties. The witch or wizard who wields this wand must possess deep intelligence and compassion for it to reveal its full power. It's excellent for memory charms, revealing that which is hidden or list, and healing (with a focus on emotional/mental health).


Occupation: Student


The Potter Family

The Dursley Family


Daisy was born on 31 July 1980 just like her brother. She is a half-blood witch and a daughter of James and Lily Potter. She was a twin sister of famous Harry Potter.

Harry and Daisy's birth was overshadowed by a prophecy naming either Harry, Daisy or Neville Longbottom as the one with the power to vanquish Lord Voldermort, the most powerful and feared Dark Lord in the world. After half of the prophecy was reported to Voldemort, courtesy of Severus Snape, Harry was chosen as the target due to his many similarities with the Dark Lord. In turn, this caused the Potter Family to go into hiding.

Voldemort made his first attempt to circumvent the prophecy. During this attempt, he murdered Harry and Daisy's parents as they tried to protect them, but this unsuccessful attempt to kill Harry led to Voldemort's first downfall. This downfall marked the end of the First Wizarding War, and to Harry henceforth being known as "The Boy Who Lived", as he was the only known survivor of the killing curse due to being magically protected by their mother's loving sacrifice. As per the terms of the prophecy, this attempt on his life also established Harry not Neville or Daisy, as Voldemort's nemesis.

One consequence of Lily's sacrifice was that her orphaned son and daughter had to be raised by her only remaining blood relative, their Muggle aunt and uncle.


shy, quiet, kind, adventurous, self conscious, introverted, understanding, tidy, intelligent, semi confident, generous, 

This is Daisy. Hope you like her and her personality! She will be Harry's shadow for the first two movies but her character will get better. I will update soon.

In explanation to Daisy's history: in short Voldemort could either choose Daisy or Harry in that house yet he chose to kill Harry first making him the only one to vanquish the Dark Lord. Although Daisy was not hit by the curse, therefore not getting a scar, like Harry, she also became famous as she was there that night. Lily protected both of the twins it was just a coincidence that Voldemort chose to kill Harry. Hopefully this will be explained as the story goes on.

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