They Won't Go Away

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dee's pov~

"Okay kids! Our next assignment is a special one. You have to write about your worst fear!" My heart freezes. Hell no. "You need to go into detail."

My worst fear is bugs. That's part of the reason I'm on schizophrenia medication. I used to have very vivid hallucinations of ants crawling all over me. Still get them sometimes, just less you know? Bug hallucinations are the worst. Stuff in the shower, them crawling on me or my stuff. The worst.

I think my fear truly started when I was 6 and fell into an ant hill. Face first. They got into my mouth. I can still feel them crawling on my tongue if I think about it too much. I had my first panic attack that day. Been terrified of all bugs ever since. Even butterflies.

"Alright, this your graphic organizer. This is an exercise to help you get over your fear!" She hands me one. The kids all around me start talking about what they're gonna write about. Heights, spiders, dolls.

"Dee what are you gonna write about?" A kid asks me. That's one of the main school yard bullies, John. John's always trying to use something against me.

"None of your business."

"Kids come up with a prompt soon! We will be sharing!" Shit.

"Uh Mrs?"

"Yes Dee, how can I help you?"

"The one fear that I do uhm, have is a really bad trigger? I guess. So um, my 504 plan-"

"I haven't read that thing."

"Oh. Well uh, it states that I am not to do anything with bugs." I shudder at the thought. "And that is my worst fear. It could cause a lot of things and-"

"I don't care. If your worst fear is bugs, write about it. Do I make myself clear?"

I swallow. "Yes m'am." I write down 'bugs' on my paper, try to take deep breaths, contemplate calling dad or ma.

"Alright! Let's share." I hear the normal things. War, heights, spiders, roller coasters. It gets to me.

I can barely get the word out. "Bugs."

Diana, who sits in front of me gasps. "I did not pin point you like that! I totally thought it'd be like, abandonment or something."

"Bugs? Really? Can't deal with a simple lady bug?"

"That's actually like really pathetic."

My brain completely disregarded my meds. I feel the dreaded ants crawling on me.

I smack the bugs, my breaths become hitched and rare and shallow. Tears come to my eyes. I'm not quite sure what I'm mumbling. The ants won't leave. The ants won't leave.

diana's pov~

I don't think this is going how Mrs. Gordon wants it to go. He's having a panic attack.

He talks in a panicked whisper, not quite completing his sentences. "They, they, they won't leave they're on me." He's slapping himself, trying to smack them off I guess?

"Dude there are no bugs in here what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Fucking psycho."

"Like father like son I guess."

"Only second hour and already having a panic attack. Felt."

I turn around, and look at him. Absolute freak out. "Put your hands on your head."

His breathing slows, like he's trying to focus on that. One goes up onto his head, but the other one stays down smacking his leg.

"Both hands." I get my phone and open a breathing thing I have. I use it for prolonging my breathing for cheer. But there's a panic breathing thing on there too. "Follow it. Nope nope, follow it." I take his hands off his head and though he struggles, I just hold them down in front of him.

Maybe she'll think next time before she doesn't read a fucking 504 plan.

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