Why Didn't You Stop Me?

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I know that I ended it but

I looked at her with anguish. "I just don't think I'm ready for this serious of a relationship. I need it to be more casual?"

"Are you breaking up with me?!" She screamed back.

"I guess so, but not really-"

"Fine. Goodbye Dee."

Why won't you chase after me?

She won't even look at me. She's gotten over me, I can tell. I was too much and not enough at the same time. I need her to still like me.

I need her.

You know me better than I do

"I mean, he gets in his head sometimes and forgets who he is and what's right, but he's he's alright. I just don't think he's ready to know that. He doesn't remember those moments I don't think."

So why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you stop me?

And paint it over.

"Do you still like her?"

"I think so. I don't think she still likes me though."

"It's your sign to get over her-"

"I'm not gonna do that."

I look for a picture of you, to keep in my pocket

"You have a lot of photos from your relationship. When are you gonna delete those?"

But I can't seem to find one where you look how I remember

"I don't remember what she looks like-"

"You- you don't remember what she looks like?"

Look how I remember

"Vodka is goooood."

"No more dude. You need to throw it all up, right now. I'll stick my fingers back there if I have to."

"I'm dying tonight anyways. Doesn't matter how many times I puke."

"All these drugs are why you don't remember her-"

"It's not that."

"Well no more Dee. I'm cutting you off."

"That isn't gonna stop me."

Look how I remember

(take this as you will, dee does the mitski shuffle <33)

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