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+ Species: Dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris) +
+ Breed: Collie +
+ Age: 11 months +
+ Family: Annabelle (Mother) Unknown Father (Unknown) +
+ Birthplace: NYC, New York City, USA +
+ Place Of Residence: New York State (Formerly and Currently) Heaven (Currently) +
+ F/C: Silky White Coat with brown splotches, Bluish-Purple Eyeshadow, Pearly Gleaming White Wings (Can be concealed into her fur from animals and Humans alike)
+ E/C: Blue +
+ Accessories: Chain Collar around Neck, Heart Locket (Personal Artifact giving by her mother containing Heavenly Magic) +
+ Likes +
+ Relaxing +
+ Sleeping +
+ Long Walks +
+ Rain Storms +
+ Water +
+ Pets & Belly Rubs +
+ Attention +
+ Friends +
+ Flying in the clouds +
+ Dislikes +
+ Bullies +
+ Violence +
+ Abuse +
+ Dog Catchers +
+ Being Alone +
+ The Dark +
+ Humans (Sometimes) +

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