Part II: The Journey

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Narrator's POV

Last time on Izuku Uchiha, we looked at the Land of Fire, where the Hidden Leaf Village thrived and was led by their Hokage, but that's not why we are here. We are here to learn the story of one specific individual, a child born from one of the Leaf's great clans: the Uchiha Clan. And this tale is the story of Izuku Uchiha, the twin brother of Sasuke. Izuku grew as a fine ninja, learning techniques together with Sasuke under the supervision of their father, Fugaku. As time passed, the brothers grew up and became Genin. Sasuke teamed up with Naruto and Sakura and became part of Team 7 while Izuku teamed up with Banri and Yoko and became part of Team 6. After a prolonged exercise conducted by Obito, Team 6 was officially ready for missions, thus beginning a new chapter for Izuku. Now...let us begin.

We start off when Izuku and his team return after a mission.

Banri: woo! We're finally home.

Yoko: yeah *smiles at Banri*

Izuku: *looks at the sky*

Yoko: Izuku-kun, are you okay?

Izuku: who me? Nah I'm fine.

Obito: since we're done here, I will head to the Hokage's Mansion to report on our success, you three can take a break.

Banri: awww but I really want to do more missions!

Izuku: oi, we just got back from ONE mission, what part of "take a break" don't you understand?

Banri: come on, Izuku.

Izuku: you're from seconds away from getting kicked in the face.

Obito: alright enough, both of you. Go take some rest, I will inform you once we're ready.

Banri: alright!

Yoko: okay!

Izuku: hmph.

Obito: later, guys.

Obito vanished, leaving Izuku, Yoko, and Banri.

Banri: guys, I'm starving.

Yoko: me too.

Izuku: fuck. Same here. Come on, Team 7 is probably at Ichiraku by now.

Banri: alright let's go!

Banri ran ahead of Izuku and Yoko, Izuku sighs.

Izuku: come on, Yoko.

Yoko: hai!

Izuku and Yoko chased after Banri, and the three members of Team 6 arrived at Ichiraku Ramen.

Izuku: yo what's up?

Naruto: Izuku!

Sasuke: hey brother.

Izuku: yo, sorry for the holdup.

Sakura: it's okay, Izuku. We just got here earlier because Naruto won't stop complaining.

Yoko: same with Banri.

Banri: why do you bully me?

Izuku: because you won't shut up. Anyways, I'm hungry.

Izuku, Banri, and Yoko sat down on the stools, together with Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. All six of them ordered ramen.

Sasuke: Izuku, how did your mission go?

Izuku: it was alright, but there has been no progress. How about you?

Sasuke: same. No dice.

Izuku: shit.

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