Chapter 26

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♾️ Jughead ♾️

I was about to go to bed, already in pajamas, when someone knocked on my door. I asked who it was and when Toni replied that she was just checking up on me, I opened the door confused.

"Thought t-that you had a date?" 

"Didn't go well. Told you that I would come when I was done. Do you want to talk, preferably inside?" She suggested and I just nodded, opening the door further for her to walk in.

"Do you want something drink?"

"No, thanks, I'm fine" I nodded, nevertheless heading in the kitchen to make myself a new tea. It was all that I got down nowadays. We moved over to the bedroom, both sitting down and me huddling in the blanket.

"Betty came over?" She asked as I quietly sipped on my tea. I hummed, putting it down on the nightstand "so how did it go?"

"She wants to g...go out again"

"And what did you say?"

"That I would t-think?" I sighed "What was I supposed to s...say? I can't..."

"You were fucked up at New Years" I nodded "and it was because of her" I nodded again "so now you are scared" another nod.

"I don't know if I c-can..." I pulled my knees closer to my chest in order to rest my chin on them.

"Do you even want to?"

"Want what?"

"Be together with her again"

"Would it be so b...bad that I still miss her? That I..." I swallowed "that I want t-to... try again?"

"No, it wouldn't. You love her"

"I do..."


I texted Betty the next day. I told her that I would be ready to get in contact again. But that we take it slow. That I wasn't ready yet to fall again.

We kept it over text most of the time though. Maybe called once or twice but not much. I felt more comfortable like it. The next time that we met almost another month later.

I was just at a Serpent meeting, having to discuss some things yet again because someone had to cross the borders to the Ghoulie land. Though when I looked at my phone and saw that Betty was calling, I excused myself before leaving the room to go outside.


"Hey. I- uhm... Can we please meet? I need to tell you something"

"What's g-going on?"

"Not over to the phone, Jug. Please."

"Okay... Where and when d-do you want to meet?"

"How about today?"

"Uhm... Not s...sure when I'm off work" or more like when this here will be fixed with the Ghoulies.

"I'll just wait at home? My parents aren't here over the week, so you can just ring the doorbell?" She suggested and I just agreed. Once we said our quick goodbyes, I put my phone away before walking back in the conference room.

"Let's hurry this up, I've got some plans"

"Are those plans about Betty?" Toni asked as I was walking to the main door to get my motorcycle and then drive to Betty's. It was past 11 already. I didn't anticipated it to take that long but in the end it did and I couldn't change it.

"Yeah, she wanted to talk about something. I d-don't know what" she nodded.

"Do I have to come over today too?"

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