Chapter 05

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It was longer than the Doctor firstly said, due to Jughead always trying to move, but 3 weeks later, Jughead got released. I was with him the whole time, or at least as much as I could. I was at the hospital, as long as visiting hours allowed it, and then only went home to sleep. Nowadays, mom barely sees me - and I think that we're both very fine with that. Thankfully we had summer break at the moment. This way, I didn't have to go to school or worry about exams and Jughead wouldn't miss anything. The only sad thing was that we couldn't go on the road trip. We planned one together with V and Archie, who by the way still don't know how that he ended up in the hospital or that he's a Serpent. Now they went on without us but that's okay.

"Betty I don't want to be in a wheelchair" Jughead complained, sitting on the hospital bed and looking at me before turning back to looking at the folded wheelchair at the end of the room, folding his arms and pouting "I'm fine walking by myself"

"Mhm, sure. Jughead, you have a broken hip, you're not gonna walk so soon by yourself again. You heard the Doctor, till your wrist is healed, only with a wheelchair and then on crutches until they give you an okay. I don't need another accident, where you almost die" he sighed, dropping his arms to his sides.

"'m sorry, Betts... It's just," I sighed "I don't like to show that I'm hurt.." he looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. I sighed, walking back over to him and then sitting down beside him. I took his arms in mine and waited till he looked up at me.

"I know, Juggy... I know that you don't, but for the next time, we have to do this, okay? Because I need you to get better and that's only gonna happen when you listen to what the Doctor says" he stayed quiet and I sighed "It's just one week for now, that's possible, right??"

"Yeah... As long as you are by my side, I can do that" he smiled and leaned closer until we kissed. I let go of his hands and instead cupped his face, being careful though because of his still slightly bruised eye. Though then I pulled away.

"I'll stay, Juggy, forever. Don't worry about it. I love you too much to leave you"

"I love you too, Betty"

In the late afternoon we were able to leave. The doctor showed me, how I can help Jughead to get in the wheelchair and out again. It looked easier than it was and it took a lot out of him but after a few minutes we managed it. We waved goodbye and then were on our way out.

I had texted Archie before and we had discussed some stuff.

Betty: Hey, Arch. So, Jughead is getting released tomorrow, if stuff goes to plan, and I wanted to ask if you could pick us up, since Jughead will have to be in a wheelchair for now.

Archie: Sure, just text me tomorrow again, like a half hour before

Betty: Also, I don't want Jug to stay at the Trailer for now. I just don't want him to be alone... Plus it would be hard for him to always get up those stairs. Could he maybe stay at yours for now? I know that this is a lot to ask but I just don't know what else to do. I can't just invite him to mine, bc yk my parents.

Archie: I might have to ask dad but I'm sure that it will be okay
Archie: He just gave me an okay for it

Betty: Okay, thank you. Big big big thank you!

A few minutes later, Archie pulled into the driveway with Fred's car. I wheeled Jughead over to it and helped him to sit down in the backseat, since it will be easier for him because he could lay down. He groaned every move he took and God, it was horrible to see him like this. Despite the painkillers, he was still in so much pain. And the worst was that all I could do was watch him. I couldn't help him, I couldn't reduce the pain for him, I couldn't do anything.

No one ever said that it would be this hardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang