3 - Family's Reaction

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Before I start this chapter: Please give a thanks to MH7703 for his contributions and suggestions towards this story!

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Brett awoke a bit startled, there was a substantial amount of mess in his night-time diaper, it was filled to the brim. Brett didn't know what else to do but cry for Victor's help. Victor immediately rushed in "What's wrong baby?", Brett kept crying and Victor inhaled. Victor knew that Brett had messed himself.

Victor put the bars of the crib down and then picked Brett up carefully, making sure not to squish the mess anywhere. Victor then carefully untaped Brett's diaper and put it to the side. Brett wiped up Victor's mess on him and then slid a new thinner diaper under him. Brett then taped up the thinner diaper, put the wipes in the soiled diaper and then put it in a plastic bag and threw it away. 

"All done baby!" Victor told him. Victor picked Brett up easily and began to take Brett downstairs which startled him as he was scared to see his family's reaction. Victor then plopped a pacifier into Brett's mouth and he started sucking on it, it calmed him down much more. "There you go."

Brett and Victor went downstairs and his family reaction was.. different, good infact, not bad! "Aww, whos my cute little baby?" Brett's mother said and pinched his cheeks. Breakfast went on as usual till it was time to feed Brett, Brett's little brother Sam volunteered "Can I feed brett, Pwease Victor!!" he pleaded Victor. 

Victor asked for Brett's approval and he nodded. Sam then got some Baby food and a spoon but before feeding it to Brett, he had to have a bib on. Victor got a bib and put it around Brett's neck and gave Sam the approval to start.

Sam put a spoon in Brett's mouth "Here comes the aeroplane!" he said. Brett ate it willingly and it was some of the best food he could ever ask for. Brett quickly ate it all and now it was time for Brett's bottle. Victor took Brett out of the chair and onto the sofa, he had already prepared a bottle a bit before he finished and he inserted the nipple into Brett's mouth.

Brett sucked fast as it tasted so good, half-way through it you could hear a faint hissing sound coming from his diaper. Brett didn't really notice but Victor did. Victor stuck a finger into Brett's diaper and declared "Your diaper isn't that wet, it'll be fine for now."

Victor set Brett down in a play pen to play and went to go see Sam, "Do you need to go to the toilet buddy before we go out?" he asked Sam and he said "Yep!". Victor took Sam up to the bathroom but an accident was made just before they got there.

"Aw, don't worry buddy, you'll make it next time!" Victor re-assured the now disappointed Sam. Victor took Sam into his room and changed his pullup quite easily due to just having to slide it down.

Victor then finished putting Sam into a new pullup and then took Sam back downstairs.

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