Bloody Love - 7

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March 14, 2013 3:30 Pm

"I don't know when I'm going to go to school again." Minx told Chase as she sat down on the couch that was in the living room. She's been home with Chase for two says and has missed several days of school already. She didn't have any idea of how she was going to make up her missed assignments, but she had to figure something out. "Why do you say that?" Chase asked her from the kitchen which was huge and was a few feet away from the living room. His house was rather huge itself. It was a Two-Story Midnight Blue colored house. It had 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a basement, a attic, living room,a Dining room, and of course a Kitchen. The house was also nice and clean on the Inside and Outside. Chase filled two cups of Lipton Tea and walked over to her sitting down next to her. "Because..." She said gripping the handle carefully as he handed her, her cup of Tea. "Because..?" He asked again. "Because... I'm afraid that... he'll follow me to school..." She admitted quietly. "Has he been bothering you since you've been here?" Chase asked her curiously. "No... But..." She said thoughtfully.

"But...." Chase said. "Gaah... I don't know..." She said sipping her Tea. Chase looked over at her smiling. "Hey, It's okay, I'm Here with you, and even though i don't go to your school, I will go as a Visitor to protect you." He told her. Minx looked up at him smiling feeling as if she finally had an older sibling that could protect her. "Thanks Chase...." "So, you're going to go to school tomorrow?" He asked. Minx looked down at her Tea Thoughtfully remembering when Jeff disguised himself as Chase. "But, he could Disguise himself as anyone... how will i know it's safe?" "Don't worry, you won't go anywhere alone, only to the bathroom....." He told her. "I'll protect you... no friend of mine is going to Die right before my eyes." When he said that, All Minx could do was stare up at him surprised.

"Re-Really?" She managed to ask. "Yes, Really..." He told her honestly. "Thank You.." She said once again. "You're not going to start crying, are you?" He asked looking down at her. "No... No I'm not going to start crying.." She told him looking away wiping the tears away. "Okay, Good." He said hugging her with one arm. "So, School Tomorrow?" Chase asked her smiling. Minx looked over at him smiling. "Hm, Sure!" She said nodding. "But... Don't you have to work at the Library?" She asked Curiously. "Yeah... But, Work is worth Missing if I'm protecting you Minx." He told her. She Blushed lightly smiling happily at the moment. "Just You Wait... Tomorrow, you're going to see that you were worried for no reason." He told her. "I hope so....." She replied.

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