A dream come true

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Once upon a time, there was a Princess, living in a realm of sapphire seas and emerald fields. She was called Sigyn – which meant "Friend of Victory" in the language of her ancestors. Yet, there was no victory in sight for the young lady. She had seven sisters, all more beautiful and accomplished than she was. Sigyn loved them all dearly, but knew she could never compete. Still, she tried to improve herself, reading and taking lessons, but her mother always found faults in her appearance or behavior. She was never pretty enough, never thin enough, never graceful enough.

All the stress and the pressure had turned the princess into a nervous wreck, and she felt herself reaching the point of no return. She needed a little holiday, or she would breakdown.

Oh, if only she could escape from her mother's everlasting criticism, even for one night! How happy she would be! How much good it would do her! She would be able to breathe again, without the dark shadow of her mother's disapproval lurking over her.

Of all the ladies present at her mother court, there was one Sigyn envied the most, as she was everything the Princess was not: beautiful, elegant, glamourous... and free. So free!

Of course, Amora was not of royal blood, and therefore did not have so many duties to fulfill. Yet, Sigyn was pretty sure her mother would rather have had her as a daughter, and found the Enchantress much worthier of the Freyadottir name than she ever was.

Sigyn looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She did not possess Amora's enchanting looks or fascinating charisma. Her uncle Feyr sometimes teased her, asking her if she had any suitors yet, but she did not. The Princess laughed, remembering she did not like being at the center of people's attentions, but once in a while, having people admiring her could be nice... couldn't it? She had never experienced it. Her mother, nervous at the idea that someone might discover she had a daughter who was not the absolute essence of beauty and perfection, always asked her to stay in her rooms whenever there was a party or a feast, or when they had important guests.

She longed to see people dancing in her mother's great hall, the music resonating within its high walls, the chattering and laughs of the guests filling her ears, the smells of the meats and traditional fish dishes overflowing her nose. Maybe no one would notice her. But if only one did, and offered her a dance? Oh, this would make her so happy! She would curtsey, before putting her hand in theirs, and letting her gallant dancing partner lead her to the center of the ballroom, her eyes never leaving them.

This would be so lovely... A dream. Just a dream. Trapped inside her rooms, Sigyn often pretended she was outside, among her sisters, enjoying the wine and the music and the dances, until that special someone arrived and gave her this one magic moment in their arms. Sometimes, they were a man, sometimes, they were a woman, but in the end, it did not matter. They always had those raven locks, and emerald eyes, and deep, captivating voice. Whenever she thought about them, she felt her heart beating madly in her chest, and her knees weakening.

If only she could meet them... But alas, stuck in her rooms, punished for being not beautiful enough, not worthy enough of the Freyadottir name, she could never meet anyone.

The only people she ever met, the only places she ever saw, were through the books her uncle brought her from his numerous travels. One place had always seemed fascinating to her young eyes: the realm of the mortals, Midgard. They had such interesting traditions and customs, so different from the ones in Asgard, Vanaheim or Nidavellir. Humans did not live long, but they enjoyed their brief existence completely, not wasting any time as the gods often did. They had the best foods, the best drinks, breathtaking landscapes... and terribly fun festivities.

Sigyn sighed and tapped her feet on the ground. That's exactly what she need: enjoy her life, have fun, dance with some handsome lord or lady, until the night was done. But then, for this to become possible, she would have to run away. Never her mother would let her do such a thing. She had to remain in her rooms, like the good little girl she was supposed to be... and she had, until then. Would she ever be allowed to leave her mother's palace, meet new people, talk to them, fall in love with a handsome prince... or princess? Or a commoner. She did not care for such things, as long as they did not bully her, she would be most grateful for their consideration.

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