A story of squirrels

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Of all the creatures of Yggdrasil, squirrels are the quickest, smartest, and nimblest. The best of them all, in truth and all modesty! So, when an Enchantress turns you into one of us, there is no point crying or being depressed about it. Quite the contrary! Sing and dance at the joy of becoming your most perfect self!

I would not want to be Vanir or Aesir. Those look like mortals, in all their imperfections. But who am I, do you ask? Well, t'is I , Ratatoskr, squirrel and great traveler. Some evil vipers call me a gossipmonger, but I have to disagree! Who does not like a good story? And when you heard the most fantastic, inspiring or scandalously salacious tale, why, I would not have the heart not to share it with my friends. As for my love for chaos, well... I am not the only one to enjoy it, aren't I? How boring the life of a small squirrel like me would be without a little fun?

If you like a good tale, I know one you might enjoy. Do you want to hear it? I know you do! Well, here it is. A pretty princess, with her hair as shiny as my fur, had upset a powerful sorceress who had turned her into one of my kind. Such a wonderful idea, but not a punishment, as far as I am concerned. The princess did not seem to share my opinion, as she cried, and cried, calling her Prince's name – of course, there was a Prince, in those tales, there is always one, isn't it? – until she fell asleep.

For a long time, I pondered whether or not she was worthy of my help. To make such a fuss about becoming Yggdrasil's most wonderful creature, lively and spirited! And if she missed her beloved Prince, well, he could join her, become a squirrel too, and make a lot of little ones! The more the merrier. Still, I remembered her beloved's reputation, and how I had heard tattletales calling him the "god of chaos".

Ha! What could an Aesir know of true Chaos! A Frost giant, maybe, but a Prince from the Golden realm? Never! However, if Loki Odinson decided to turn himself into a squirrel indefinitely, he could very well challenge my title as Chaos bringer... Well, if that happened, I could feed him to that pesky dragon beneath, or those stupid eagles above my tree. The princess would cry again, but at least, I would be at peace.

Tapping my foot impatiently, I looked at the girl one last time before taking my decision. She was a squirrel, one of my kind. I had to help her. People always say I only ever serve my own interests, but that is not true. Whenever a friend is in need, I will come to their rescue. And here, I have the stuff of tales the mortals like so much, haven't I? A pretty lady, hidden by a curse from her charming Prince, only waiting to be reunited with him.

And if all went well – and it would, why wouldn't it? – I would even be able to collect some favors! What a perfect deal!

When the girl woke up, I could not help but laugh at her – the look on her face was priceless and hilarious, poor thing. Those gods and goddesses think themselves so above mortals, giants and monsters. However, in sickness, in terror, or in death, we are all the same, aren't we? Petrified with a comical expression distorting a usually pretty appearance. Her blue eyes were nearly popping out of their orbits, her mouth gaping as if it was meant to catch flies... I thought for a moment throwing a few nuts in it, and see her reaction, but she would probably have chocked on them and died.

Didn't I say I wanted a happy ending to this fairy tale? Fine, fine. I'll behave... for once!

"My Lord Ratatoskr!", she suddenly called out, her voice strangled by surprise... and emotion, of course! I have a reputation! I am famous! And you don't meet every day the most celebrated squirrel of Yggdrasil! Of course, she would be moved to tears, it was only natural. Well, the horn in the middle of my forehead sort of give away my identity, I guess.

She tried curtseying, though as she was not used to her new body yet, she lost her balance and stumbled in the grass. Still, the small princess tried not to look too embarrassed, stood up proudly, and attempted a second curtsey, much more successful.

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