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Freddy POV

me and foxy sat down to decide who is coming to the wedding with as many family members as we want to invite me and foxy can only bring 2 friends. "ye think i should see if me parents want to come" he said."if your ready to face them again" "i might be i dont know really i will think about it" he said . me and him invited our family's and then decided which friends we would invite and foxy had to find out his bridesmaids.I decided to invite my friends silver freddy and Marshall. foxy told me he is inviting his friends from the town he grew up in thneedvile.Foxy was deciding his bridesmaids so I decided to go check on the kids they were asleep so I just went back to sit with my love.

Yes I stole thneedvile from the Lorax don't judge me

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