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The picture shows foxy and chicas
friendship just so u think I put a pic of the ship .

Foxy POV

My bridesmaids are taking me somewhere tonight scince my wedding tommow.I got ready to go and Freddy was going somewhere too so he wouldn't me left here alone . We got mike and jere to watch our kids.I went to chicas room because she said to come to her room before we leave.I knocked on her door "who is it!" she said. "Its me lass" I said "oh come on in Im changing and we can go " I went in her room while she changed and we left to meet up with bonbon and mangle at the place they were taking me.I didn't know where we were going but I knew it was going to be fun these people are the funniest people I know.when we got there they got me out of the car and blindfolded me and walked me in the building "okay foxy ready for your mind to be blown?" I heard bonbon say." Hold on dont take it off yet let me do something" I heard mangle say.after awhile I heard "done you can take it off now" they took it off and we were at a club that had the biggest dancefloor I have ever seen and a bar and a stage.we spent the whole Night dancing,drinking and singing.then I blacked out. After I drank to much and so did everybody else

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