Chapter One

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A distress call was sent to the Mancave, something about Swellview Park being a possible meeting ground for a group of thugs. Captain Man and Kid Danger had arrived at the park, only to be greeted with four men on the ground, unconscious, and two other men in somewhat conversation. One of the men, the one dressed in an all black costume, had the other man, dressed in normal clothing, in a chokehold.

"Where's Michael?" The one in black asked.

"I don't know!" The other man replied.

"Alright," Captain Man slowly approached the two men, "why don't you let go of him." The one in black turned to face Captain Man, only to ignore him and go back to asking questions.

"I know you know where Michael is, so tell me, where is he?" The man in black asked again.

"I told you, I don't know!" The other replied again.

Captain Man turned back to Kid Danger. "Did he ignore me?"

"He totally ignored you, dude." Kid Danger replied, laughing.

"Unbelievable, no one ignores me."

"Mm, actually a lot of people do." Captain Man glared at his sidekick before focusing back on the two men.

"Okay, I am not telling you this again, let go of him." Captain Man directed towards the man in black.

The one in black turned back to face Captain Man. "Fine," he pushed the ofter man down into the ground, hard, before kicking him unconscious, "I'm done with him anyways." Captain Man and the man in black circled each other, staring at one another for sometime before Captain Man lunged forward to land a punch.

Before Captain Man could even make it to the other, the one in black pulled a dagger from behind his back and threw it at Captain Man. The dagger landed in Captain Man's shoulder, breaking skin and getting stuck. Both he and Kid Danger were confused, and surprised, as Captain Man was indestructible, and shouldn't be able to be punctured by a knife.

"How did you..." Captain Man began to ask, but was interrupted by another dagger being thrown into his other shoulder, getting imbedded in that one too. "Impossible."

"Nothing is ever impossible Captain Man, you of all people should know that." The man in black stated. He made his way over to Kid Danger, who was ready for a fight, but not ready for knives to be thrown at him. The man in black began to pull something out from behind his back. Kid Danger was scared for another knife to appear, but instead it was a pair of handcuffs.

"You plan to what, take me to jail or something?" Kid Danger remarked.

"If you want me to." The man in black replied.

The two began to fight, punches being thrown left and right. At one point, Kid Danger was able to drive the man into the ground, straddle him, and aim his fist toward the man's face. The other, a skilled fighter and strong himself, grabbed Kid Danger and pushed him off, their positions changing as the man straddled Kid Danger this time. Kid Danger, both hurt and exhausted, couldn't defend himself from his hands being handcuffed in front of his abdomen.

Captain Man watched the entire fight go down, but didn't help due to the knives in both of his shoulders that wouldn't come out no matter how hard he pulled on them.

"Now," the man in black started as he lifted himself off Kid Danger and began to stand, "I do believe there has been a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding of what? You attacked all these people." Captain Man glanced to the five unconscious bodies littering the park ground.

"No, they attacked me." The one dressed in black walked forward to where Captain Man stood still. "I'm not the bad guy here."

"Then why were you choking one of them asking for Michael?"

"Because I'm looking for him."

"For what reason?"

"A good one." The man in black backed away from Captain Man to address both him and his sidekick. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have someone to find." And with that he left, simply walked away while Captain Man and Kid Danger watched.

Back at the Mancave, Ray and Henry were bombarded with questions from the others. Who was this person? How was Ray able to be damaged? Why weren't the knives in Ray's shoulders able to come out? And what did he mean when he said he wasn't a bad guy? None of the questions could be answered and left everyone confused.

"Thanks Schwoz." Henry said after Schwoz was able to get the handcuffs off him.

"Yeah, yeah, now come get these knives out of me." Ray was still trying to pull the knives out of his body. He thought that if he blew another bubble to get out of his uniform, then the knives would go with it, but all it left were two points in his shirt where the daggers were still stuck below.

"I don't know if I'd be able to get them out." Schwoz looked at where Ray was pulling.

"What do you mean?" Ray looked at Schwoz, a little scared.

"I mean, you're stronger than I am and you've been trying to get them out for a while now but nothing's happened."

"Schwoz, I need these knives out of me, I can't fight crime like this!"

"Hmm..." Schwoz looked at both of Ray's shoulders, "let me get my scanner."

Schwoz spent ten minutes scanning both of Ray's shoulders and doing multiple tests in order to find out what the knives were made of, how they were able to get stuck in Ray, and why they wouldn't come out; but even with Schwoz's scientific expertise, he couldn't find any actual answers.

"C'mon Schwoz it's been ten minutes, don't you have anything yet?" Ray asked, getting impatient.

"No, I don't." Schwoz put down the scanning wand. "Whatever is affecting you is something I haven't seen before. The knives are made of regular materials, there's nothing special about them. I don't know how you're able to get hurt."

"Dang-it, Schwoz!" Ray was angry, annoyed, and confused. Every single person in the Mancave was confused. "We need to find out who this guy is and get him to talk."

"And how will we do that?" Henry asked from where he sat on the couch with Charlotte and Jasper. "We have absolutely no information on him."

"Oh we'll find a way, we always find a way." Ray seemed determined to track him down and get some answers.  

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