Chapter Six

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Henry, Dylan, and Ray had spent all of Saturday working over different plans. They ended up telling Charlotte and Jasper several variations of their plan, asking them which one they should go with.

"I think you should go with the second one." Charlotte commented.

"No way, the 11th one has some serious potential." Jasper argued back.

"You mean the one with the badgers?" Charlotte crossed her arms as she spoke.

"It's the best part!" Jasper reasoned.

"I also like the badgers." Henry interjected.

"Where are you going to find 15 badgers?" Charlotte asked. "It's not like there's a badger store or anything."

"Please Charlotte, we're superheroes." Ray entered the conversation referring to Henry and himself. "If we want 15 badgers, we can get 15 badgers."

"Honestly, I think plan 6 is a winner." Dylan spoke.

"That's the one with..." Henry trailed off trying to remember all of their different plans.

"Without us." Ray finished.

"Yeah." Dylan looked at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

"You think the one without Ray and I is the best one?" Henry seemed a little hurt by Dylan's decision.

"It's just," Dylan paused and let out a sigh, "if he knows you're here, the plan will fail."

"Yeah, but," Ray began to speak but was interrupted by Dylan.

"But what? We can't take any chances."

"Dylan is right," Charlotte stepped forward, "if anything goes wrong, none of the plans will work."

"Not even the one with the badgers." Jasper reminded everyone of his favorite plan.

"Stop it with the badgers." Charlotte turned to Jasper, annoyed with him. "That plan was never going to work!"

"I thought it was a flawless plan." Jasper crossed his arms in defense.

"I think having me, just me, is a flawless plan." Dylan brought everyone's attention back to what the meeting was really about. "He's expecting only me, we can't risk it."

"What if something happens to you?" Henry spoke quickly, a slight anxiety in his voice.

"Please, I can take care of myself. I make weapons, remember?"

"Yeah but, you said it yesterday, it's not easy for you to hurt him." Henry walked towards Dylan, stopping one he was close to the other boy.

"I'll be fine." With their new proximity, Dylan's voice was quieter than before.

"You promise?" Henry's voice became quiet as well.

"You know I can't make a promise like that."

"Then at least tell me you'll try to come back to me." Henry didn't mean to say the last two words, but they came out nonetheless.

"I promise I'll do everything in my power to come back." Dylan held his hand in front of Henry, pinky extended. "To you." Dylan meant to say those words.

Henry linked his pinky with Dylan's, a promise between them being made. "I can't let my math tutor die."

"Right," Dylan unlinked his hand from Henry's, "math tutor."

"Do they always flirt like this?" Charlotte spoke from where she stood with Ray and Jasper.

"That's what I'm saying!" Ray loudly said, silently thanking Charlotte for noticing.

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