S4xE6: Meet Cute Crush

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Dylan and Charlotte were in the Mancave watching a video of a girl going over "Makeup Money Saving Tips" while they waited for Henry and Ray to return from the emergency they responded to. The two watched as the girl in the video began putting paprika on her eyelids to use as eyeshadow and hummus on her face in place of foundation.

"This cannot be good for the complexion." Dylan voiced, turning to Charlotte in hopes of her agreeing.

"Yeah, I'm not putting hummus on my face." Charlotte nodded her head with her words, a signal that she was on the same page as Dylan.

The tubes to the Mancave came down just as Charlotte turned off the video. Both she and Dylan turned their attention to the tubes, watching as Ray and Henry stepped off the platform and into the Mancave.

"Hey, hey!" Charlotte greeted the two heroes.

"Hey Charlotte, Dylan." Ray greeted back, a little lost in his thoughts with the tone.

"So, what happened?" Charlotte asked, wanting to know the details of the emergency.

"Oh, well, we showed up at the playground, right?" Ray began.

"And there's like a bunch of second graders playing in the sandbox." Henry chimed in, continuing the story.

"They were playing in the sandbox." Ray clarified.

"Yeah, I just said that."

"Yeah, right, but what the kids didn't realize was..."

"That uh, there was a nest of scorpions right in the sandbox!"

"Scorpions?" Dylan and Charlotte stated at the same time, both of them shocked at hearing there were scorpions in Swellview.

"Crawling all over them, they're freaking out," Henry explained as he and Ray laughed at the situation before sitting down on the couch.

"And then we just grabbed a firehose," Ray continued, "and we just sprayed the scorpions off the kids."

Before Dylan or Charlotte could say anything else about the story, a beeping came from one of the monitors, signaling a call from upstairs.

"That's Jasper, calling from upstairs," Charlotte announced, making her way over to the monitors to answer the call. "Hey, what's up?" She asked as soon as his face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, it's me, Jasper." He greeted.

"Yeah, we can see you." Charlotte sarcastically stated.

"Cool," Jasper replied, unfazed by Charlotte's tone, "Uh, so Henry..."

"Yeah, what's up big dog?" Henry greeted as he got off the couch to talk to Jasper, Ray following close behind. "What do you need?"

"Your sister is here!" Jasper stated.

"Why? What does she want?" Henry asked with a tinge of panic in his voice.

"I don't know! I told her you were busy, and then she got mad and said she's not leaving until she talks to you!"

"Um, are you sure she's mad?"

"Uh, yeah! Look at her pacing angrily!" Jasper turned the camera around to show Piper, in the middle of Junk-N-Stuff, stomping around the store.

"Look, just tell her that I'll see her at home before I leave for New York."

"You're going to New York?" Ray asked, now interested in the conversation occurring.

"Yeah, for the weekend," Henry replied.


"Because, you don't need to know why, that's why."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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