Drunk - Felix

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When he comes home drunk- Felix

The doorbell rang several times. I peeked through the doorhole to see who it was.

Felix was standing on the other side of the door, wiggling a little. 

I opened the door. He gasped seeing me. "What are you doing in my house?" Felix asked,squeezing my cheeks.

"This is my apartment, Lix," I said to the boy who frowned. 

He blinked. "No" He went inside, he struggled while taking off his shoes.

"How much did you drink? Your face turned red " I pointed. 

He shook his head. "Not drunk. No worries. Chill" he hiccupped. 

"Yeah yeah sure" 

He threw himself on the sofa,pressing his cheek against a cushion. 

"Mmm tired." He mumbled. He rarely comes here. So it caught me off guard seeing a drunk Felix in my apartment.

We don't get to spend much time together since he started his internship. He became a little cold after starting internship. 

I poured a glass of water for him. "Felix" I called,shaking his shoulder gently. 

He took the glass from me and drank the water within seconds.

"Woah you look like my girlfriend" he chuckled. 

"Is that so?" I played along. He nodded. 

"But she's cuter. You don’t look that cute" 


"Do you know y/n. Maybe you're her twin" he got up and sat on the sofa.

"How about you get some sleep. Or I might end up thinking you lose it" 

"Lose what?" he asked.

"Your mind" 

He pouted. He pouted for real. And looked at me with those beautiful eyes, almost making my heart popping out.

"Get some sleep. I'll wake you up tomorrow" I said. He followed me to my bedroom. 

"y/n this doesn’t look like my room" he stated. At least I look like me to his eyes now.

"Yes I know."

"I don’t sleep anywhere else other than my bed" he said,glaring at the pillow.

 "I'm letting you use my bed,you should be grateful" 

I should've told him to sleep on the sofa. He ignored me last week. He deserves some little tiny bit of revenge but he's lucky he's a cute drunk

He eventually managed to sit on the bed and rolled his back right away,letting go a satisfying sound.

He looked at me, and tapped the empty place beside him.

I sat beside him. 

"You look mad," he said out of nowhere. I shook my head. "I'm not. Why would I?" I was confused as to why he said that.

"Because of last week"

He's definitely drunk. Sober Felix would never show those regretful eyes. 

"It was your birthday but I didn’t come" his voice was tinted with guilt. 

I was so upset when he said he wouldn’t come because he was busy. But we had an argument on the phone right after that.

He hung up on me. That was the last time we talked until he decided to get drunk and crash in my place. 

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