Chapter-4: Necessary Distraction

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"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction."-Oscar Wilde

"We'll need to keep our bicycles here." Enola huffed, dragging hers along the edge of the path.
"'Tis a necessary distraction. Pity, I was just learning to master it. Phase one of the plan complete."

"Stop talking like you're in a movie," I said. "Get a move on!"

I'd be honest, right now, I was feeling fantastic wearing trousers and a shirt. It was so much more comfortable than dresses. 

"If anyone asks, Enola, we are brothers going to visit our uncle in London. Your name is Thomas Smith, and my name is James Smith. Okay?!" I held her shoulders, squaring her up. 
"You're a man now." A small smile creeped up my lips.
"You're allowed to do whatever you want. As long as you don't get caught, of course." I winked at her.

"Come on. We need to board the train. And for heaven's sakes, do not go and use up all of your money!" Giddy with excitement, she showed the conductor her ticket, and ran off. 
"Quite a child, that one." He chuckled. 
"Yes." I smiled. "Thomas is excited, as he has never boarded a train before, he's trying his best to not jump up and start dancing to a merry jig!" I joked.
He smiled, clipping my ticket and bading me away.

"People are searching for a Viscount, Elayne." Enola said, running up to me.
"That does not matter. Now, did you put our luggage in the compartment?" I asked.
"Yes, sister." She pretended to salute me again.
"Very good, lieutenant. Now let us go and finish all of our Toblerone." We laughed, climbing aboard the train.

"We will find mother, Elayne. I'm sure of it!" 

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