Part 9

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*Y/n's Pov*

We all hop out of the car and I lock it, pulling the door handle to see if it's locked. We all make our way to our apartment and I unlock the door with my key, the one Kat had kindly got made for me.

"Home sweet home, now I can sleep" Sam says earning a small laugh from everyone. Sam starts making his way to his and Kat's bedroom. 

"WAIT FOR MEEEE" Kat screams with a kiddish tone filling the sound of her voice. She starts running after Sam then walks beside him calmly. I look over at Colby just to find him already looking at me.

"I'm going to head to bed, come if you want" I say before starting to head to our bedroom. He catches up to me in record time and we walk into the room. I grab some clothes out of my suitcase and walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.

While getting changed I snoop around the bathroom a little. I see a photo frame with some award in it, I pick it up carefully and read the words.

'Most popular you-tuber of 2019. Sam And Colby.'

I smile and continue getting dressed. 

"You're back!" Colby yells quietly as I walk into the room, closing the door behind me. 

"I'm backkkkk!" I yell quietly as well. I chuck my clothes in my suitcase and walk over to the bed where he is currently lying. I hop on it and under the covers with Colby. He snuggles up to me and I chuckle.

"Goodnight Y/n" Colby says before wrapping a arm around my waist, making sure I don't leave.

"Goodnight Colby" I reply, resting my head on his chest before closing my eyes and dozing off to sleep peacefully. 


I wake up in the morning just to find someone laying next to me, it freaks me out for a second but I remember that it's just Colby and calm down. His arm is still wrapped around my waist and one of his legs are on top of mine. Cute.

I some how manage to roll over to face him and notice that he is still sleeping. I move my hand up and stroke his nose softly like what you would to do a baby, while a smile is plastered on my face. He's so cute when he sleeps.

"Good morning Colby" I whisper, just in case he is awake, I just wanna know if he is. 

"Morning" He groans, his hot morning voice filling my brain with joy. 

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, trying to be nice.

"Better because I'm with you" He says, a small smirk forming on his face as he opens his eyes to look at me. I chuckle slightly, a small smile still on my face. He leans over to me and places a small kiss on my lips before snuggling his head in the crook of my neck.

My face flushes red for a second and I move my hand up to his head, starting to play with his hair slightly.

"I don't wanna get up, I wanna stay like this forever" He mutters while sighing a little.

"We have to soon enough, Sam and Kat may want us to do something with them" I reply back still playing with his hair. He moves back to look at me and I move my hand away.

"What about later on today we go explore somewhere, Sam and I haven't done it in ages and I have the perfect place. Just me and you, please" Colby asks, his blue eyes sparkling up at me, pleading. 

"Alright. Around what time?" I reply and he places another soft kiss on my lips before looking back at me.

"Around 3?" He says unsure.

"Yeah sure" He smiles at you before returning his head back to the crook of my neck.


"Are you sure you don't want anything?" I ask Kat who's sitting at her vanity desk doing her make up.

(Discontinued) Colby Brock x Y/n Stuart (Kats Little Sister)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora