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Week 3 of coming to the library and feeding into my curiosity of the man with the silver lined eyes.

I'm starting to wonder if I should make the first move because at this point we are just having a stare off across the study lounge.

He doesn't blink; I shy away...

Is this not College? Aren't boys coming into their manhood and getting more bold ready to mingle yet stay single? Why do I feel like we are walking on eggshells and haven't hit puberty yet?

I sighed deeply, closing my book out of obvious frustration knowing nothing would get done in this library while I'm in inner turmoil over a stranger that exchanges meaningless glances with me. 


Is that what this is? He must be in deep thought about something and is spacing out while looking in my direction...every time he's here. Looking straight through me, like he can see every flaw and thought that crosses my mind when he's around. I can't tell if he's looking at me with the same curiosity mainly because he isn't close enough for me to get a read and that when he is before me, his eye's are iced over like a frozen lake up in the middle of nowhere north. 

Standing up and realizing there is no one here but my thoughts and I, I make my way back to the the Historical bookshelf saving me a lot on textbooks. It's almost odd to me that my stranger isn't occupying the seat four tables down, past the couches, and along the windows that see over the campus. It almost makes me feel like I have no purpose. Finding the books spot, I slide it into place and that's when the hairs on my arms raised. My body takes on this tingling warmth and something in me knew that my stranger was very close.

A throat cleared and I could no longer breath.

"Excuse me." A baritone voice only inches from my ear sent chills down my spine. A vascular arm reached over my head and the man pulled a book labeled "American Cultures". The scent of crushed roses and Oak was overwhelming yet soothing. I couldn't resist turning my head and identifying the stranger.

My stranger.

Standing tall and unbothered, He kept his chilling eyes on his target before pulling it down and meeting my gaze. I don't know if it was his closeness that had my eyes trailing over him or my fascination but his jaw was strong with the right amount of stubble and his skin was glowing with a slight tan. He had thick brows and lashes for days that made his eyes ever more appealing. His hair wasn't as dark as I thought it was when viewing him from afar, it was more chestnut and thick with a slight curl.

"Did you need this?" He spoke again, probably wondering why I looked like a deer in headlights.

"Oh- Um, no?" I stumbled over my words and it drew a smirk across his face.

'Please, don't look at me like that!' my mind was racing. I could feel the palms of my hands getting clammy and for once in my life I was lost for words. While he was still standing very close to me starring back as if he's expecting me to follow up with more conversation.

"You smell- good." And I have never felt more embarrassed in all my 21 years of life.

"Thank you?" He chuckled and my heart was on the verge of giving out. "Is that why your still standing here, looking at me?"

"Oh my god," I stumbled back feeling my face heat up and then I felt a strong hand grip my upper arm stabilizing my footing.

"Careful." Another student passed us just as confused trying to get by. I was going to apologize but my skin felt like it was on fire where the mans fingers touched. It felt like he just shocked me but the sensation was endless the longer his grip stayed intact and I must have been starring because he let go as soon as he noticed. "Sorry, just didn't want to see you run into anyone else."

"I can't breath..." I mustard out.

"Are you ill?" His face was filled with concerned.

"No- I'm just- I'm talking out loud. I'm sorry, I should go-"

"Are you done studying?" He asked and I met his gaze again, hoping I don't pass out. "If not, I've noticed you've been touching up on your American History and by the looks of it, it's frustrating you. I wouldn't mind sparing you some time, it's one of my strongest subjects."

You were watching me.

I had questions. So many questions I probably should have asked but the attraction I was experiencing for this man was blinding and if staying meant I could stay with him just a little longer... I wasn't passing this up.

"Victoria." I bulldozed over the invitation which made him visibly pleased with a soft smile.


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