Crush, Chop And Burn

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Rosalyn Pov

At home I ran to my room, going onto my laptop and facetiming the groupchat.

1 ring.............

2 ring.............

3 ring..........

And no answer, I groaned rolling around then falling off of my bed "rose are you okay" I heard my mom ask making me freeze.

"Uh yeah im good" I responded laughing.

I was laying on my bed spamming the grouchat when mom yelled i had a visitor.

I walked down the stairs seeing Leo "uh what are you doing here" I asked stepping outside.

He grabbed my arm "No time to talk i need your help now" he said dragging me.

A while later we arrived at this trash dump site place, confused i looked over to Leo "Uh, bring me here to kill me" I asked tilting my head confused.

I was blabbering while following not paying attention to anything when all the sudden he fell screaming he still had ahold of my hand making me fall also yelling.



I head Adam and Chase yell, Leo helped me up "No its Oprah, and Mariah " I said dusting off my clothes annoyed.

"What the hell are we doing here" I yelled at Leo while Chase came over to me making sure i was okay.

"Get me out of here" Leo yelled to them.

"Hes tryna kill me. Help!" I yelled laughed as Leo looked at me with his mouth open.

The door opened as Davenport came in as Adam started acting like a robot "what's going on" I yelled out confused.

"You again!" Davenport groaned looking at me, I gasped pointing to Leo "he dragged me here! thank you very much" I said rolling my eyes

"Hello we are robots" Adam said as i looked at him confused

"Dude i think he knows" Bree said hitting him

"Well now he does" Adam groaned rolling his eyes.

Me and Leo were still standing from where we fell when all the sudden smoke started coming down, then fire and a smasher, while the wall was slowly closing.

Leo ran to the wall banging on it "help us! now!" he yelled

"Leo, Rosalyn"

"I'll find somebody to shut it off" Davenport said about to leave.

"There isn't enough time"

"Were gonna die, were gonna die" I kept repeating in my own little world, slowly not being able to catch my breath.

"Guys i have an idea" Chase said as they all left, next thing they fell into the same hole me and Leo did screaming.

I was still pacing repeating the same words over and over.

"Ah it never gets old" Adam groaned getting up

"Leo, Rosalyn" Chase asked worriedly but i didn't hear.

"What are you doing here, and why did you drag her" Bree asked

"I came to save you guys, and i figured if you did die you would wanna see her dying" he said shrugging making Chase lightly blush.

"oh thanks, were good, sweet kid. and I'm sure we would wanna see her before we you know" Adam said laughing.

Chase came over to me grabbing shoulders, "Rosy" he said slightly shaking me.

"i think she's having a panic attack" Chase said looking at me, he slowly started to calm me down.

"Thank you" I whispered as he smiled at me

"Come on let's do this" Bree yelled.

"Okay everyone surround Leo and Rosy, and then we will all go through it together" Chase said as everyone came around me and Leo.

"Theee, two" Chase started, i looked away when i saw a giant red button, I shrugged going over and pressing it, making everything stop.

I smiled clapping "that would be the off button" Chase said sucking his teeth.

"yea, oh you guys didn't see that" Adam asked pointing at the button, I looked at him blinking slowly.

We all got out, I was going to go home, but everyone insisted on my coming to their house, i shrugged going.

"Oh thank heavens, you all made it home safe and *blows raspberry*" Something said making me look around confused.

"What was that" I asked confused still looking around

"No one, ignore him" Bree said as i shrugged nodding

Davenport walked over to an iPad on the wall turning it off, Adam, Bree and Chase were sitting on the couch while i was awkwardly standing by the door.

"I don't know what you kids were thinking, pulling a stunt like that. you could of seriously hurt yourselves" Davenport said walking around the couch.

"yea but you gotta admit, my robot accent was dead on, and chase got a girlfriend out of this" Adam said as i was zoned out not paying attention.

"Wait what who? her" Tasha asked sitting next to him.

"Sh-shes not my girlfriends" Chase said blushing.

Bree giggled "She's his crush, but she's the really popular girl so who knows" she said shrugging.

I was zoned out until i got a text from my mom telling me to come home, i snuck out of the door while they were all talking.

I ran home, "Yea mom" I asked sitting on the couch across from her.

"Nothing just was seeing where you were, i haven't heard anything" she said making me nod.

"I was at a friends for a little" I said shrugging, i got up going upstairs and into my room.

I grabbed my laptop receiving a call from our group chat.

"HI babes" I said waving smiling.

"How are you" Cleo asked sitting on her bed.

"And we're so sorry we missed your calls" Rikki said as she was sitting on her floor.

I layed on my stomach putting the camera in front of me "No yea I'm good, i miss you guys a lot has been going on" I said placing my hand on my chin.

"ooo, spill the tea" Emma laughed as i nodded telling them almost everything

We talked for a couple more hours, I hung up around 3am knowing i should go to bed cause i have school tomorrow.

I layed down watching netflix, my mind slowly went back to Chase.

I smiled biting my lip, I know he wouldn't wanna date me cause I'm the popular kid blah blah, but if i do like him he wouldn't wanna date me.

I rolled my eyes sighing, stopping myself from crying right away, i slowly went to bed still somewhat thinking about Chase.

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