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Rosalyn pov

Me and Caitlin were practicing our routine.

"so left right left right, and then youll throw me and then catch me okay" I said as she nodded smiling.

Leo pov

"Okay guys, that's principal Perry, she has the temperment of a junkyard dog stuffed into a really bad pantsuit"

"Hey you, no tongue rings in school, dont try to hide it I'll take a metal detector to your face" she yelled walking off.

"This is it, my chance for romance, on tv the new girl always drops her boos, and the cite guy with the soulful eyes picks them up" Bree said dropping her books making a teacher trip over them.

"Okay, your social life is determined by where you sit, we cant sit at the cool table, but we can be cool table adjacent"

"FYI, Adam just sat at the cool table, hey look there's Rosalyn" Bree said, as i looked over to see Adam sitting with her.

Rosalyn pov

Adam came and sat with us, he put some oranges over his eyes making everyone laugh, but i knew what was about to happen.

Next thing you know Chase came and sat between me and Caitlin "Hi, how's it going" Leo said also whispering stuff to Chase when the football players came in the lunchroom.

He sniffed Leo "sorry" Leo said walking away.

"Hey that's my seat" Trent said putting his hand on Chases head and winking at me, earning in me rolling my eyes.

"Get lost before i use you like a napkin" he said making making me look at him.

"Chase we should probably go, he's not very absorbent" Bree said coming over.

Trent spilled something on the table "Oh look a spill, i think I'm gonna wipe it up with you face" he said grabbing Chase by the collar making me stand up.

"Trent seriously stop" I said grabbing his arm when he pushed me earning in me landing on the the floor, Chase looked at me beofre looking at Trent.

All the sudden Chase had him pinned to the table "think again bubble neck" he said in a much deeper voice, one of the football players came over helping me up.

"I'm gonna rip out your kneecaps and use them to play hockey" Chase told him as i was dusting off my clothes.

Adam went over to Bree and Leo while knocking over chairs.

"you have no idea who you're messing with" Trent said once Chase threw him into the other football players.

"Pudding cups" Trent yelled as people gave him pudding cups "Oh I'll take those" Chase said as he squeezed the pudding cups all over Trent and the players making me gasp.

"You're dead" Trent yelled as Chase growled at them?

"You're lucky we have to go to the reading center right now" he yelled as they all ran off.

"Take a seat comprador's, this is our table now" Chase said still in a deep voice sitting down, he looked at me then patted his lap making me scoff and walk away.

"Disgusting" I mumbled going to my locker.

I was walking in the hallways when i heard Leo somewhat barking.

Bree dropped her books and boys ran over to pick them up.

As someone gave Chase the all access pass.

I rolled my eyes when Chase came over to me "hello beautiful" he said as i slammed my locker and walked off.

At lunch i was sitting with Trent and the others, "This actually sucks ass" I said sitting down as the whole table moved.

"Then go sit with the cheerleaders" one of them said making me roll my eyes.

"I would, but Caitlin isn't here and Chase is freaking me out" I said shrugging.

"hey new kid come here" My mom said coming into the lunch room.

"Do you know what happens when my football players and daughter are humiliated, no you don't, because my football players and daughter don't get humiliated"

"They look humiliated to me" Adam said as they got hit with a trash bag making me stand up and walk over to my mom and Chase.

"i know what team spirit is about, because i was the jammer on the north pacific roller derby championship team"

"Quite an accomplishment" Chase said almost laughing

"Don't mock me squach face, my career ended when a trash talker like you got inside my head and i wiped, one zebra called it the worse single body collision shed ever seen" she yelled

Chase laughed nervously "Id crash too if i saw a talking zebra"

"Its a referee you desk donkey" she said getting into his face making me grab her arm and genteelly pull her back.

"Trent told me what you did this morning at breakfast, you will not undermined the morale of my team, evacuate this table" she said pointing at it, "Now" she yelled making them hurriedly stand up.

"watch who you're talking to, sports bra" Chase said his voice going deeper.

"I bet you panicked, threw yourself off the track, and blamed the other tea for your weakness" he said getting in her face making me push him back

"What the hell Chase" I said in disbelief, and to think i might of liked him.

"i had to quit because of that accident"

"Quit of move out of state in the shame" he said making me wanna slap him.

"he doesn't know, he wasn't there"

"why don't you hop in your economy car, and tootle on home to your six cats and your online bingo tournament"

"Jokes on you, i have five cats ha" she said making me slap my head.

She left them came back "All right kid, ill make you a deal, let's be civilized and settle this the old fashioned way. With a bone crushing grudge match on the football field" She said making everyone but me, Adam, Bree and Leo cheer.

"we're in me, him, her and .... him" he said pointing at Adam, Bree and Leo.

"You and your band of nobodies versus my fighting dingoes" She said making me groan, knowing she'll force me to come.

"Winner takes table and all the glory"

"Oh, Ma'am, as much as i'd like to flex my football fanciness, um girls soccer has the field tonight" Leo said making me chuckle.

"as, just as well. I can't condone such a violent game on school grounds, so let's take it to the dog park across the street" she said making them cheer.

"And i wanna date with Rosalyn" Chase said making me spit out the water i was drinking on him.

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