Guys? Cocoa!

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3rd person pov

"For the record, when i fill out the incident report, im putting "human error" Davenport yelled, 'Okat, this just went from "comic book cool" to "real life terrifying" My new mission is to get the heck off this train!" Leo spoke up

"Okay, we're gonna have to abort this mission. Never liked Welkerville, anyways. All rigth, im gonna drop down the rope ladder down. Everybody up, Leo and Rosalyn first"

"Dont have to tell me twice" Leo chuckled going over to the rope dragging Rosalyn again, "Come on, guys, lets go home and have some cocoa!" he said excitedly

"Guys? Cocoa!" he said seeing the three not moving, "We cant quit now" Bree spoke up first

"If we do, it means we failed out first mission" Chase added, "Yeah, we've been training our whole lives for this moment now. We're not giving up"

"You guys, this thing is about to crash" Rosalyn sighed, "And we've done everything humanly possible" Leo added

"But that's just it. Mr. Davenport made us superhuman, because when all else fails, we cant" Chase said as putting hsi arm around Bree and Adam

"yeah. We put ourselves in danger for the sake of humanity" Bree sighed

"Well, if you guys arent going, we arent either" Rosalyn said helping Leo off of the rope, "Leo, Ro, this is too dangerous for you" Chase shook his head

"Please. My middle name is "Danger"

"I thought it was "Francis" Rosalyn said confused

"It's pronounced Danger"

"Leo, Rosalyn, we are running out of time. By "we" i mean you too. Get up the ladder, now!" he yelled

"We're coming!" Leo yelled back as Rosalyn handed him the first aid kit as he clipped it onto the ladder, "Were climbing up the ladder right now! Pull us up!" Leo yelled as Davenport pulled the ladder up

The second it was out of the train Leo leaned over closing the hatch, "Ro, Leo, are you crazy? What are you doing?" Chase asked looking at the two

"We're all in this together" Leo smiled a little, "I may not be superhuman, but it doesn't mean i cant be a hero"

"A first aid kit? Leo, Ro, when i open this thing, you two better be inside. What do you guys think you're doing?" Davenport asked

"We're completing our mission" Chase said as we all turned off our earpieces and set them on the floor

"I should let you guys know we found out i was born a mermaid and getting in the moon pool only activated it" I explained looking between the four, "You have powers, right? What are they?" Bree asked looking at me

"So far i know of immortality- Dont ask how i know" I said looking at Adam as he closed his mouth, what i have is water manipulation and telekinesis. The moon ring i have has even more power which right now i know is, invisibility, i can slow time down and heal things" I explained showing the ring, "Now lets try not to die" I smiled

"Okay, we have approximately three minutes to slow this thing down before it hurts the turn and flies off the tracks" Chase said as we all nodded, "Okay, lets think. Objects in motion remain in motion unless an external force blocks it"

"So what can block our path?" Bree asked looking at him, "Oh, i got it! We can put the nuclonium tanks in front of the train!" Adam smiled

"Then the train would blow up" I said looking at him, "Thus stopping it"

"If only Wile E. Coyote was here. He'd have a giant rubber band he could tie around two trees to stop this thing" Leo smiled, "Wait a minute. Leo, that's it! The Reid-Bennett bridge is 19.8 miles ahead. Our rappelling ropes are unbreakable. So if Bree ties them all together-"

"I could use my super-speed to run ahead and wrap around the bridge supports" Bree said cutting Chase off, "And then Rosalyn can freeze them together, and then Adam can use his super-strength to hold the rope and stop the train" Chase smiled

"Lets do this thing!" Bree smiled excitedly, "I did not agree to this!" Rosalyn groaned

"Did i mention Wile E. Coyote dies in every episode?" Leo asked looking at the four, "Get the bag" Adam said looking at him

Adam opened the door as Bree held the rope and bag Leo held onto Rosalyns arm as he looked out the train doors, "Can we chalk that up to human error?" he asked as Adam nodded

Bree looked at us before using her speed and tying the rope around the bridge, "Okay, the ropes secure" she said coming back, "Do i have to?" Rosalyn asked as Bree and Chase nodded, "But my hair" she frowned before Bree grabbed her, using her speed taking her to the rope as she froze it

"Here, its cold" she said handing the end of the rope to Adam, "Also, look waht the train did to this penny" Bree said holding up a penny

"Ooh" they said at the same time, "And this squirrel" she added holding up a squirrel as they screamed

Adam tied the rope around himself, with Rosalyn's help as he was complaining it was cold, before he sat down holding onto the train, "Hey, guys, what if this doesn't work?" he asked looking at the four

"I mean, i know im strong, but this goes way beyond our training scenarios, what if i cant do it?" he added

"Adam, strength doesn't just come for your muscles. It also comes from your mind" Bree said looking at him, "Okay, maybe someone else should take the rope" Chase spoke up as Rosalyn slapped his arm

"This is everything we've prepared for. You can do this! Just believe in yourself. I believe in you" Bree said before sitting behind Adam and holding onto him, "I believe in you, too" Chase added sitting behind Bree

"I just spend four hours in a bag without a bathroom, i think my support goes without saying" Leo said sitting behind Chase, "My hairs already ruined" Rosalyn sighed before sitting behind Leo and putting her arms around him

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