tri wizard tournament

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Your pov

"Y/n you should head back to your dorm, it's getting really late." Harry says in a comforting tone, looking at the clock.

We're in the library looking through multiple books and papers to prepare him for his second tri wizard tournament task.

I look over at the clock as well, 10:24 pm.

He's right, it is getting late but I'd hate to leave him here alone.

Harry's been so stressed about all of this, he shouldn't even be in this situation in the first place.

He did nothing to put his name in the goblet, yet here he is.

I'm determined to help him and make sure he'll be okay.

"I promise you I'm all right. We're going to figure this all out, okay?" I say, reassuring him.

He looks at me with sweet eyes, "Are you sure? I can tell your tired."

I look back up at him, "I'm not tired. I am here to help you out and I'm not leaving till we figure this out." I say back to him.

He smiles at me and his cheeks become flushed, a pink hue appears all over. I can't help but blush myself, the way his eyes sparkle and the way his cheeks become a pretty pink is all so perfect.

He pushes up his glasses with his pointer finger. "You dont know how much I appreciate this, y/n. You've helped so much." Harry tells me, grabbing my hand to hold it.

I smile sweetly at him, "Of course. We can't have you loose this challenge." I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you." He tells me.

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