nice to meet you

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Harry's pov

"This is so good!" Ron expresses, shoving his food in his face. We all laugh at the way he acts.

Besides Hermione.

"Ronald quit messing around!" Hermione yells at him, "You said you needed help with the potions homework, so here I am trying to help you!"

"Bloody hell woman, I'm just trying to enjoy my food." Ron snaps back.

I try to tune out their bickering by looking around the room and seeing what everyone else is up to.

Neville is just giggling with his friends.

Draco is staring blankly at the table.

Luna is dressed in a lions suit.

Fred and George are trying to sell potions to people.

Then I find someone who I've never seen before. I had to do a couple double takes.

She's sitting there perfectly, talking sweetly with a group of girls.

She has to be new right?

There is no way I've never seen her before. She's too beautiful to not be seen. I would've remembered that kind of face.

"Harry?" Ron says, snapping me back into reality.

I realize I've been staring at her long enough for people to notice.

"You all right mate?" Ron asks me. "You look dazed."

I look over at him, taking my focus off her, "Sorry."

I look over at Hermione. She's smiling ear to ear.

"What?" I ask her defensively.

"Y/n y/l/n." She says looking over at my distraction. "She's a new student this year."

"Who are we looking at?" Ron asks trying to observe her as well.

"She's beautiful." I blurt out. I meant for that to stay inside my mind.

Suddenly, she looks back over at me. My eyes are glued to her, unable to look away.

Our eyes lock. I'm stuck staring into beautiful eyes that have an amazing sparkle to them.

I can feel my face start to burn as the pink blush forms all over, I can't help but smile at her.

She giggles a little at my blush, and smiles back widely at me.

My heart drops as she gets up and makes her way over to me.

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