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12:02 pm
Potions class
Your pov

My next class is potions, my favorite part of the day.

All my friends are in that class so it makes it fun.

I make my way down the large halls and into Slughorns classroom.

Hermione runs up to me, "Amortentia! We are doing the amortentia potion today!"

"Really?" I ask getting excited. Every girls dream is to do this potion.

"Calm down girls, let's get class started." Professor Slughorn says to us as he begins teaching us on what exactly amortentia is.

"It's the most powerful love spell. You will be able to smell exactly what your soul mate smells like." He smiles.

We all get excited.

Professor continues, "Who knows! Maybe your soul mate is in this exact class room."

We all look around at each other, eager to find out.

"But wait." We all pause. "Finding out who you smell is up to you. The potion only gives you the scent, not the name of who it is." He says.

We all are still too distracted on the fact we will get to possibly find out who our soul mate is.

We all immensely begin following our step-by-step instructions on how to make our concoction.

After a little bit of time, we have finished.

"Now go ahead," Professor says, "Smell your potions!"

We all take a good sniff.

Hermione asks me almost immediately, "Well what does yours smell like!"

I try smelling it again.

"Well I would know if Harry didn't put so much cologne on today!" I scoff.

Harry turns around defensively, "Says you! All I can smell is your perfume." He rolls his eyes.

Everyone quickly turns around and faces us.

Me and Harry's mouths drop as we stare at each other, realizing what this means.

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