meet my dad

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5:32 pm
Your home
Your pov

Tonight's the night I bring Harry home to meet my dad.

Me and Harry have been dating for almost 7 months now and he still has yet to meet my dad.

My father has asked about him almost every day, ecstatic to meet him. He never stops talking about the fact it's the real Harry Potter.

I finish doing my makeup while Harry figures out what to wear.

"Does this look fine?" He asks. He has on black pants and a nice top.

Nothing too fancy, nothing too casual.

"That's perfect." I say finishing up and going to kiss him.

"You ready?" I ask him while putting on my shoes.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He says with a nervous grin on his face.

I grab the floo powder, "It'll be great my love."

Immediately we are off and arrive at my fathers home.

"This is it!" I say, pointing up to the extravagant house.

"Wow. It's amazing." Harry says in awe.

My father is a very wealthy man. I won't lie when I say that either. He's worked hard for what he has.

We begin walking up the long drive way.

Harry suddenly squirms in pain.

I grab him worried, "Harry, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. My scar is just burning." He says grabbing his head.

I stop walking. "Should we leave?" I ask.

"No I'll be good. I need to finally meet him. The pain will go away." He smiles lightly.

I hold onto him as we arrive at the large doors.

I knock politely.

My father opens the door for us almost immediately.

"About time y/n. I've been wondering when I was finally gonna meet Harry Potter."

Harry grabs his head in excruciating pain.


Did I forget to mention that my dads Lord Voldemort?

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