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A baby slept soundly in a mans arms. Suddenly, the baby stirred as the warmth of his father’s arms and chest left. It was replaced by the feeling of cool, damp moss. The baby’s eyes opened to find his surroundings grow gradually darker until all was dark. The noises of the forest penetrated his sensitive ears causing him to fuss, yet he remained quiet. Bard was a quiet baby. He rarely cried. He reached his tiny hands into the air hoping to find his father or twin brother, but neither were there. His hands pounded the ground in frustration. Just then, a light glowed dimly. It became gradually brighter until it was very close to the child. Bard looked at the face of the light-bearer. It was a man with a hood – not his dad. The hooded man stooped over and picked up the squirming boy. He held the child close to him to keep the little one warm.

“Fear not,” the man comforted. “I will be your father; the forest will be your home; and my people will be your people.”

Despite the man’s efforts, Bard would not be so easily soothed. All this newness wasn’t appreciated. Furthermore, where was his father? Surely his father would come back for him, right? Bard continued to fuss until he was too tired and slumped into a discontented slumber.

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