Chapter Four

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Bard’s nerves woke him up before dawn. His groggy eyes searched the area carefully – well as carefully as his tiredness would allow. He grabbed his belongs and checked the position of the moon and stars to get his bearings. After determining which way was north, he continued his journey to Lamen Plain. An hour later, he stopped to eat and drink. He had to keep his energy up to stay alert. Having appeased his grumbling stomach, he continued to trek to the edge of the forest. The edge of the forest seemed to stop at heaven itself. Bard had never seen so much sunshine before. Flowers danced in the gentle breeze. Birds sang to welcome him causing him to join in song. Bards eyes glowed as he sang a merry tune.

“To be bathed in the sunshine
What a feeling divine!
The flowers dance to the song of the birds.
What a glorious thing to be heard!
Sing with the birds.
Dance with the flowers.
It may seem absurd
If you do it for hours;
However, a man like me
Will join in the melody.”

After his musical number, Bard strolled north through the meadow toward Lamen Plain. His spirit soared seeing the new sights. This part of the world at least was beautiful! His child-like wonder filled his heart with glee causing him to smile brightly. In fact, he almost forgot that he was on an important mission. He was sad to reach the end of the meadow, but the plain was still a welcome sight. It meant his duty was almost over. Bard paused to check his map. Bard used the sun to help him know which way to go. It was easier to locate the sun now that he didn’t have trees overhead. He’d never been outside the forest to his knowledge. It was the first time there weren’t trees overhead.

The next day, some grey clouds rolled in. Bard examined the clouds – mostly nimbostratus. That meant rain was coming. With no trees for cover, Bard quickened his pace. The shrine was his best bet for finding shelter from the rain. By the time the shrine came into view however, the rain began pouring down. It wasn’t a storm by any means, but it was enough to soak the poor forest monk. Drenched, cold, and tired, Bard stumbled under one of the shrine’s rooves. He plopped down next to a pillar and pulled out a soggy piece of hard tack. At least it didn’t hurt to chew his food this time. The exhaustion of the trip hit him causing him to sink into a deep sleep. His search for Calvin Zaldivar would have to wait until he woke back up.

(Calvin's Perspective)

Calvin watched a young man come running toward the shrine. Calvin decided to sneak toward the area to investigate the traveler. After all, a guardian can’t be too cautious around strangers – not that Calvin really cared about the dics all the much. He watched the young man slump down and quickly fall asleep after eating something that looked rather unappetizing. Calvin cautiously approached the young man and tied him up. Calvin then repeated his motto to himself. “Act first; ask later.” He had to admit that he was rather disappointed to find a man. After all, Calvin was a bit of flirt with a love for women and drugs. Having secured the stranger and thrown him in a corner, Calvin contented himself with a cigarette. He’d question the intruder when he felt like it.

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