Spring Cleaning!

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      "Manny, Robin! It's Spring Cleaning! Grab the Boxes!" Harry shouted as Manny rushed into the Kitchen. "I don't wanna get rid of things!" whined Manny. "But you have to Manny. Even Robin doe-" "Don't make me get rid of my things!" Robin whined as he walked into the kitchen. Manny giggled as Harry sighed. "Robin you have the housework as I help Manny get started on getting rid of old things. I will work on my office and room as The eggs!" Manny giggled again as Robin went over to Harry. "I'll take care of breakfast love. To help Manny." Robin kissed Harry on the cheek. "Thanks, baby. Come on Manny let's get started!" Manny jumped at Harry and Harry caught him and carried him to his room. 'So cute. Wait the eggs!' Robin turned back to the eggs and they were very crispy. 'Shit.'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In Manny's Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      "I don't wanna get rid of Mr. Picklebottoms!" "Manny he is old and dirty!" Manny starts crying and Harry holds him. "Manny I need you to be a big boy for me.." Manny wipes his tears "O-Okay.. You can throw Mr. Picklebottoms away.." Harry forgot he didn't know about donations. "Manny I'm not throwing him away! I'm washing him and donating him to kids that don't get to have toys normally." Manny's eyes light up "So I am giving them to other kids so they get happy?" Harry chuckled. "Mhm. So I'll wash him and put him into the donate box." Manny got an idea of any toys he didn't like or was told he would put in donations when Harry was gone washing Mr. Picklebottoms. "I'll be back Manny" "Alrighty!" Manny responded gleefully. Harry went out of the room and Manny got to work. By the time he was back Manny was almost halfway done. "Woah, Manny did you do this?!" Manny jumped up "Mhm!" Harry scruffled his hair. "Good job Manny! Now let's keep going." They got a little after halfway when Robin called for Breakfast. "Let's go get some breakfast Manny!" Manny hopped on Harry's back and Harry carried him to the Dinning room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dinning Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Robin kissed Harry "All done babe." Harry put Manny down as he ran to his seat. "Robin." Robin placed down Manny's Plate. "Yeah?" Harry went up to him "You can do the office or the bedroom if you would like." Robin looked shocked. "Really babe? Are you sure the housework needs to get done-" "Babe I'll do it? You work on the Bedroom and I'll work on the office. Then we will do the housework together. How's that sound?" Robin kissed him "Wonderful." They both sat down and ate breakfast and saw Manny fake puking. Robin giggled and Harry laughed. After breakfast they all split up "Manny can you do your room without me?" Manny looked excited to do it without Harry "Mhm!" He ran off to his room. Harry looked over to Robin and saw him sleeping on the couch. 'Robin you goofball.' Harry walked over and Robin pulled him in a cuddle. "Harry, can we cuddle?" Harry blushed "No, we have work to do-" "Work, work, what about your fiancé?" Harry fell off the couch and took Robin with him. Harry ran off covering his face and locked the bathroom door. "Harry..? I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Harry unlocked the door. "It's fine just.. Don't say, fiancé. We are just boyfriends for right now.." Robin felt a pain in his chest. "Okay.." Robin walked off and started cleaning and so did Harry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      "Agh! Harry!" Robin called out. "What happened?!" Robin looked over and shrugged trying to hold in tears. "It just all spilled out and I-.." Robin started to cry. Harry ran over to him. "Listen, it's just some stuff, are you okay?!" Robin hugged Harry. Harry looked down and there was a cut on Robins's arm. "Robin?! I should have put the stuff in the office and other places. Your arm!" Harry carried Robin to the bathroom and started to clean it. Robin cried into Harry's shoulder and Harry put the hot water and soap on it to disinfect it. "It's going to hurt I know.." Manny was there for support but ended up going back to his room to play since he was finished. "Harry, stop, it hurts too much!" Robin started digging his claws into Harry's back. "Babe calm down it's just water and soap. We haven't even gotten to the disinfectant yet." Robin kept digging his claws into Harry. "Robin.. Calm down.." Robin couldn't it hurt too much and then Harry Snapped. "ROBIN STOP IT!" Robin almost fell off of Harry's lap as he fell backward. Harry caught him. "I'm sorry Robin.. You were hurting me with your claws.." Robin looked at Harry. "No, no, you're fine. I was in the wrong. I should have calmed down. Is it clean enough?" Harry looked at it and sighed. "No.. We need disinfectant." Robin tried running out of the bathroom but the door was locked. 'Shit.' "Robin, I knew you would do this. I think ahead." Harry grabs Robin and holds him down as he puts the disinfectant on his cut. Robin starts crying and screaming. "Robin calm down-" Robin slashes at Harry's face. "Robin, look at me." Robin looks at him and the blood drips from his face. "Sorry, I'm so sorry.. Harry I-" "Shh.. Look at you. You big dummy. We are finished." He looked at his arm and saw it disinfected and wrapped in bandages. "Your face and back.." Harry looked at the blood through the mirror. "I'll fix it later. Let's clean up." Robin and Harry finished cleaning the bathroom Robin helped bandage Harry's Face and back. Then they got back to cleaning. Harry checked in on Robin each hour. To make sure he was okay. At the end of the day, all the Spring Cleaning was done. Robin and Harry were cuddling in their bed as Manny slept in his room. 

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