5: You Had Me Fucked Up When...

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《So... i'm at a loss for words because I honestly have no idea what to write. I had actually started writing this chapter months ago but I had lost my drive, my spark for writing this story. It's going to probably suck for a few chapters from here on out until I get back into it, but bare with me. Anyways, here's chapter 5. My bad if this socks ass. This is unedited. Deuces! ✌

P.s. Pic is of Jaidah》
You had had me fucked up when...

Y u always choppn on a nigga? U lucky u cute Jade'

I rolled my eyes smiling at my phone before texting back.

I'm not tho. Those facts love'

A minute later my phone tinged.

Nah, u tripn. So we stl on 4 l8r?'

I shook my head.

Boy, type like you ain't illiterate & yes'

Ain't? Who's illiterate now? It's 'like you are not illiterate' & I'll be there @ 6'

I rolled my eyes and was about to reply when another message from him popped up.

Dnt b lookn homeless n shit neither'

I scoffed and sent him a reply before putting my phone down on Justin's desk just as he walked into the office. Me and August have been talking everyday now for the last month and I can honestly say that he's not entirely the stalker I thought him to be.

"Heard back from the promoter in London?", Justin asked sitting down on his desk in front of me.

He was texting or whatever, as usual. For the last month he's been a little weird with me but I have yet to confront him about it.

"Yeah, they said that you need to be there by 10 and they already have the v.i.p. section set up for you", I responded.

He nodded, "What about my flight? Who's paying for that? And my hotel arrangements?", he questioned.

"That's already arranged and taken care of. You're all set. You just have to catch your flight at 2 in the morning from here to there so you'll have time to relax before your appearance", I said opening another email on the computer.

"Anything else?", he asked.

My phone tinged when I was about to respond so I picked it up opening the new text I got from August. My phone was snatched out of my hand before I could reply to it though.

"I asked you a question Jaiden", Justin said through clenched teeth scrolling through my text conversation.

"Give m-"

"Hmm, how long?", he asked cutting me off.

"Excuse me?", I responded.

"How long have you been seeing this nigga behind my back?", he asked punctuating every word.

I raised a brow, something that was pointed out to me as something I do a lot, along with rolling my eyes.

"That's none of your damn business Justin and i'm a grown ass woman. I don't have to answer to you or anydamnbody else", I responded standing up.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh, but you do sweetie. I'm the one signing your checks so your ass obligated to let me know what you're doing behind my back. I don't like this shit and you're not going to meet him tonight", he said raising his voice at me.

Enough: A Kid Ink/ August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now