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   The group stood there in silence as angry footsteps ran by the door before AJ finally broke the silence. "Who the hell are Anti and Dark!?"
Jack and Mark made eye contact before Mark sighed, and despite Ethan's warnings spoke up, "they're characters from our channel. Darkiplier started as a joke I did to scare fans one time in a video titled Don't Blink," he let out a quiet laugh seeing AJ's confused look, "from there, those random videos became skits, and everyone loved them."
"Of course they did, literally everyone loves edgy, villainous characters," AJ mutters.
"Yep, anyway," Mark continues, "Darkiplier just evolved into a huge character. All I can really tell you is he's a manipulative freak who holds all his cards tight to his chest til the perfect moment. How he's here, I have no idea." Footsteps passed by the door and the group fell silent. Once they were gone, Jack spoke up.

   "Anti started as a Halloween 'glitch' I did to scare my fans. And since everyone loved it so much I kept the character around. Unlike Dark, he's much more energetic—"
"And by energetic, he means psychotic," Ethan butts in.
"I wouldn't say he's exactly psychotic. After doing research because ya know, Anti lore still happens, he falls more under the sociopath side of the spectrum. But he does share signs of being a psychopath," Jack explains. "Unlike Dark, he'll quickly play his cards, but always saves his big ones for last, once you think he has nothin else against ya... And just like Mark, no idea how he's here."

   "Okay, so... Dark is a manipulative genius who has an unholy amount of patience, and Anti is a sociopathic-psychopathic glitch who is quick to attack?" AJ repeats.
"I'd say you've hit the nail on the head," Ethan pitched in.
"I agree, but Anti has more patience than he'll let on," Jack adds. "Don't forget that."
AJ nodded, "alright I'll try... sorry... this is just... a lot to take in."
"Yeah, it is," Ethan agreed. "Trust me, when filming Who Killed Markiplier it sucked having to learn about the apparent lore behind Dark."
Mark chuckled, remembering Ethan and Tyler's confused faces as he explained who Darkiplier was and why Damien and Celine's spirits had to be perfectly highlighted to match him.

   "They couldn't have gone far..." The group fell silent as Anti's muffled voice echoed throughout the hallway.
"Calm down, Anti, it's not like they can escape," Dark reassured the glitch who stabbed the door, missing Mark's shoulder (as he was still beside the door) by a good inch.
"Dark, " Anti growled, "that doesn't matter. Just because they act like foolish children on camera, doesn't MEAN THEY ARE IN REAL LIFE!" He snapped, and the knife was violently shoved out of the door. Mark held his breath and refused to remove one muscle as who he assumed was Anti leaned against the door.
"I'm aware of that, Anti," Dark calmly replied. "However, we do have more concerning issues than their wits. We both know the time crunch we're currently on."
"Yeah, yeah, yak on about it all you want," Anti snarled, "your yaking's just gonna take away more of our time. Remember why I'm doin this with ya before ya go tellin me how this works."
"My apologies, Anti," Dark replied, completely insincerely before sighing. "Let's double-check the cells for any hints..."
"Fine," Anti kicks off the door and follows Dark back down the hallway.
"Holy cow—" Mark exhaled, letting go of the breath he had been holding.

   "We're gonna have to move out soon," Jack sighed.
"Yeah, but wait," AJ said, snapping as if a lightbulb had just gone off. "You guys have two 'Alternate Selves' walking around, and me and Ethan are here too—"
"What are you getting at?" Ethan interrupted, clearly as confused as Mark was.
"Shouldn't we have Alternate Selves," AJ finishes."
The revelation landed the group in shocked silence. I hadn't thought of it like that— Mark noted mentally.
"Oh gosh..." Jack trailed off. "But who from your musicals? You don't exactly play any 'evil' characters. That's Nathan's job..."
"I don't know how my musical characters could affect this, but who would replicate Ethan?"
"Blank," Ethan deadpanned.
"Who?" Jack asked.

   "Blankgameplays, he's a character I made to promote posters I was signing who represented my anxiety and such, but out of their options, he's gonna be the one here. Which can't be because I've done jack squat with him. He doesn't really even exist anymore," he quickly adds the last part to reassure the group.
Mark shook his head before whispering, "if Dark and Anti are here, then there's a possibility that Blank is too."
As if on cue, there was a sudden banging on the door, and quickly everyone jumped to their feet as Mark leaned back into it, blocking it.

   "We know you're in here," Dark growls as the banging stops. "Just open on up and no... unnecessary harm will come to you."

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