Somethings are better left unknown.

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After the rain had stopped falling it was time for dinner. I can hear my stomach talking to me dying for food.
Sometimes food is hard to get around here and I've had days where i don't eat anything because i cant find anything. One of the problems that i struggle with a lot is hunting animals. I need to eat but i hate killing the poor little animals. Its not fair that their life gets destroyed by me to eat them but i wouldn't be able to survive without them. Hunting is also hard because I'm hard of hearing. I can hear but not as good as most people can. I have to listen extra close and sometimes i cant hear noises from a distance which makes it hard to hear the animals. I decided to go to the little pond behind the cave. I had found a fish to eat and my stomach was satisfied. I drank some water from the pond and soon went back into the cave and slipped into my bed. I watched the bats fly around the cave. I used to be terrified of the bats but now i enjoy watching them and it even makes me feel relaxed. I find it interesting how they all fly around together and swoop down at their prey. A few times they have skimmed my head, but never was any damage done. As i watched them fly around i caught myself in a deep thought. I started to wonder what caused my parents to do drugs in the first place. I cant remember them ever loving me. I only remember flashbacks of them yelling and screaming in my face and throwing me against walls. My biggest memory is being in a car, speeding down a long, windy road and after what seemed like a long time being thrown out of the car and being left there. They left me their confused and afraid, at 4 years old.Maybe the reason why they left me was because they couldn't deal with me and how i wasn't normal. Maybe it was because i had a slight hearing disability. These crazy thoughts were battling inside of my head. Maybe its better that i don't know the details because i know that the more i know the more hurt i will be. I laid in my bed, still thinking until i finally drifted off to sleep.

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