Chapter 1

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"What the Hell" that's all I could say when I walked in on my wife with another man. "Felicity, where is she?" I was worried my daughter was in the house with these people. "FELICITY" I ran into her room to see her sleeping soundly in her bed. I walk back downstairs straight to my "wife". "Pack your things, I'm sending the divorce papers to your new residence. Don't ask to see MY daughter, and have a great life." They walked right out of the back door for some reason but I could pay less attention to them.

"Felicity, honey" I wake her up from her peaceful slumber (a/n insomnia just started to play) "Yes papa," she says half awake
"My love you're going to Nana's house for a little, so help me pack some outfits for you."

"Okay" excitement. She has excitement in her voice. She doesn't know anything and I will not crush her world. Not now at least.

"What about this one?" I held up a purple outfit and asked

"Papa! I'm a big girl now. I can get my own clothes!"

"Oh of course my love." I gave her the purple outfit and she put it in her bag.

"When you're done, come downstairs okay."

"Okay, papa."

It hurts me that I have to tell her about her so-called mother. It hurts me a lot.
I walk downstairs and tell the butler to get the car ready.

"Okay papa all done" she came downstairs with her bag and her stuffed animal. A Chick, she got it because she said it reminded her of me. I think we named it BbokAri.
"Time to go" we get in the car and drive to my mom's house. Once we arrived, I informed my mom about what happened and told her Felicity will be staying there for a while. I left hugging Felicity. I got into the car and drove straight to a bar, with my bodyguards following behind in a separate car. Lord the night I was having. First getting cheated on, then leaving my daughter for who knows how long, and now I'm gonna drown my sorrows in alcohol. I walked into the bar and sat at the counter.

"What can I get you for tonight?"

"Anything but it needs to be strong"

"Got it, coming up"

The bartender slid me a shot and in a second it was gone. It was a very strong shot, not my cup of tea so I decided to order something soft.

"What can I get you on this beautiful night?" The bartender started to talk to the customer next to me.
"Two strawberry margaritas, a lotus martini, a Cuba libre, a pina colada, and two espresso martinis please." His voice was soft and angelic. I couldn't help but stare at the astounding sight of an angel next to me. I guess he caught me staring cause the next thing you know he was talking to me.

"Hello there, good-looking, why are you here? You look a little down" he said with a small frown forming upon his lips. Such beautiful lips...
"Well, I encountered a pretty unpleasant night."
"Oh things happen, if you want to get it off of your chest you can talk to us." He said as he started to grab drinks.
"Us?" I questioned
"My boyfriends and I." He said as he signaled two over to help with drinks.
"Oh Uhm I don't want to intrude-"
"Who said you would be intruding? Did you say they would be intruding" he asked the other two very handsome men
'I didn't say anything." They said in unison.

"See, come on, you might feel better afterward," he said, handing me 2 drinks to carry back to their table.


There will be a few chapters like this, short and quick. But don't worry I've got a few more just wait till next Friday<3

MooMoo signing off~

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