Chapter 2

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We walk over to a group of men. "Were they all dating?"
I couldn't help but wonder. " Who's this, Minho?" the blond one asked.
So his name is Minho. I placed the drinks on the table.
" oh, uh kinda late to ask but what's your name?" He said with an awkward chuckle. "Lee Felix," he said with a slight bow.
"LEE FELIX" the one with long hair yelled. Startled everyone at the table. "Uh yes- do I know you?"

"You don't know me but I know you" he stated.

I step back a little. Low key is kinda creepy.

" He's THE Lee Felix, you know the youngest CEO ever to run the biggest fashion company in South Korea and Australia." He said as he pulled up a picture of me on his phone to show everyone.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot.

"What is THE Lee Felix doing at a bar?" Questioned the buff-looking one.
"Family Problems.." I said as I sat in the booth with them.
This might've been a bad or a really good decision, but I decided to tell them about everything that happened.

"Oh my, you poor thing. I don't know what I would do if I had to leave my dear Minjun" Minho said.

"Who's that?" I was confused by the new name.
"My son."
"You guys have kids?"

"Majority of us do," the blond one said

"Oh, could you guys possibly tell me your names?" I asked

"I'm Bangchan, the one next to you is Minho, Hyunjin is the one with long hair, the squirrel-looking one is Jisung, the fox-eyed boy is Jeongin, emo hulk smash is Changbin, and last but not least our human puppy Seungmin." The blond one said.

"Where did emo hulk smash come from?" Changbin asked with a very offended look on his face.
"Yea and what about me looking like a squirrel!?"
'Ladies calm down, don't get your undergarments in a bunch, he just needed to tell good-looking over who was who and who looked like who." Minho said.

These guys look as if they didn't have a worry in the world. I felt like an outsider and stranger intruding on their time.

One of my staff came by and asked if there was anything I wanted to drink.
"Bring me a glass and a bottle of red wine"
He walked away and I went back to my thoughts.

"Is there something on your mind?" Asked Jisung.
"Just thinking of solutions"
"Stop thinking of that for a second talk to me for a little"
"What's your daughter's name?"
" Lee Felicity"
"If I recall correctly, it means the state of being happy in the English dictionary."
"It does... How did you know that off the top of your head?"
"I'm usually a stay home parent, so I tend to get bored and start reading books or watching videos"
"Wait, you have a child?"
"Yep, Chan, Minho, Jeongin, and I have sons."
'What is his name?" I'm curious, what if he is around my daughter's age...
"Han Ji-Seok and he is 4 years old"
"Oh, my daughter is the Same age as him."

At this point we were mindlessly talking about our kids, showing pictures and you could say I forgot about all the bad things that happened to me that night.
We were talking so much that we didn't realize the others stopped talking altogether and were admiring us from afar.

"Here is your wine sir" the staff appeared from the shadows of the table and scared what was left of a soul out of my body.
I thanked him and sent him off.
"So Felix when is your birthday?" Seungmin asked as I poured the wine into the glass.
"September 15th, 2000," I said, taking a sip from my glass.
"Oh just a day after me."
"What would be very coincidental is if your kids were born a day apart as well," Jeongin said from the other side of the table.

"My daughter was born on March 25th, 2018," I said, still sipping my refilled glass of wine.
"Woah, it's like destiny," Changbin said
"Hannie's son was born March 24th, 2018" Seungmin said

Coincidentally, my technical birthday twin is also the father of my daughter's technical birthday twin. What a night...

"Felix this might be crazy and not a good decision, but what if we help out?" Chan said

"What do you mean Help out?" Felix asked, putting his now empty wine glass down. The wine bottle was also very much empty.

"You know some of us could help out with the company and the others could take care of the kids..." Seungmin said.
"Our children need a stable education. Right now most of them are home-schooled...and our jobs don't pay us enough for rent.."
While Seungmin was talking, Felix already knew his answer.
"It's okay if it's too much-"
The whole table went silent.

825 words


Well I think I lied guys. All of the chapters are really short.
Anyway I hope you are likening the story so far.
See you next week.

MooMoo signing off~

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