The nosey friend pt.1

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(Keiko's dream)

"What the- this dress is huge"

(Keiko walks around)
"This definitely isn't my room"

(Someone runs in the room. It's jungwon?)


"You promise you'll dance with me tonight right?"

[i should play along if this is a dream]

"Of course"

"That's good to know"

(He walks up towards me and kisses me)

"I can't wait to tell them about us being together"

(End of Keiko's dream)

(I feel something move my hair)

"Ughhhhhhhhh what time is it"

"It's 11:58 am in the morning"

(He sits at the edge of my bed waiting for me to sit up)

"Oh jungwon."


"My friend is coming over today, and bringing over her boyfriend and her cat."

"I want to meet your friend"

"Okay if that's true you'll need to explain why we share a bedroom"


"And a bed."

(He looks at me slightly flustered)

"Couldn't you just inflate the inflatable bed and say I sleep in the basement?"

"Do you really want to say you SLEEP in THAT basement?"

(He went silent for a minute)

"Not really..."

"That's what I thought. it would be better to say we share a room, instead of you sleeping in a basement where i literally saw bats living in."

" bats are in there?"


"Okay. Let's just say we share a room"

"Yep, although it would just be weird for you to sleep on a inflatable bed so we'll say we sleep in the same bed for now"

(I get off my bed and start walking away)


(I feel him grab a corner of my shirt)


(He gets closer to my face)

"You had a piece of hair near your eye"


(My face feels warm once again, so I run down stairs to start making breakfast)

"There's nothing in the fridge."

"So that's what you call the large rectangular object"

"Maybe i should text mei to get us some food"

(I sit next to jungwon on the couch)


Keiko:hey mei can you get some food too? I need to go shopping for food but I'm putting it off for a day.

Mei:sure does some baked goods along with sushi sound good?

Keiko:it does, I'll pay you back I promise

(I feel jungwon looking over at my phone)

"You really don't know what a phone is?"

"I really don't"

[maybe if i save enough money i should buy him a phone. But besides that his hands look nice]

(He notices me zoning out)

"Hey you still there?

"Hm? Yea sorry i zoned out. Moving on should you be in the painting that way you have enough time to talk with mei?"

"I should but I feel like i have more time then usual, i don't know why"

"That's odd. Well if you do have enough time why don't you go take a shower?"

"That sounds like a good idea"

(He gets up and goes to the bathroom to start the shower)

[i feel like a babysitter, a really weird babysitter]

(I hear him yell for me so I run up to the bathroom door)

"What's wrong? Did you break the shower?"

"No the complete opposite, my clothes are wet"

(He opens the bathroom door)

"Wet? They're drenched. Your old clothes are in my room you can wear those"


(He walks past me to go upstairs)

[well looks like i need a washer and dryer]

(I throw the clothes in a laundry basket in the bathroom)

"Hey jungwon I'm going to take a quick shower!!"


(I proceed to take a quick shower and by quick i mean 10 minute shower then I run up stairs to change clothes)

"That's better"

(The doorbell rings and i run downstairs)

"Jungwon stand ready to greet them"


[okay 3...2......1......]

(I open the door.)

(I'm leaving you guys with a cliffhanger although not really because I'll probably post this when I finish 10 parts, isn't that nice of me )

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