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(Jungwons pov)
"So jungwon,mei wanted me to ask you if you're interested in Keiko romantically"

"How so?"

(I am putting the leftover sushi in the fridge like keiko asked)

"I mean like you want to kiss her or hold hands with her stuff like that"

(Insert him holding hands with keiko)

"Not that I can think of why?"

"Because mei wants you to be Keiko's boyfriend"

"Why does she want that?"

"Because keiko has never had a boyfriend before, even in Japan"


"Yes really, mei has told me so much about keiko that she feels like a literal sister."

"What do you know about keiko"

[i know that I shouldn't be asking but I do want to know more about keiko.]

"I know that she loves jasper. Her mom has been missing for 5 years. She loves guys with captivating eyes"

"Keiko's mom is missing?"

"Yea police looked for her but apparently they didn't look for long, so they gave up"

"Why would they do that? They wouldn't have given up if it was their mom"

"Who knows. But what I do know is that keiko wants to look for her mom too."


"Now lets see if you're really in love with keiko or not."


"What is your favorite feature about her, I'm talking hands,hair,face, etc."

"Her hands, they're always warm. And her hair is like silk"

"That is the most greatest thing I could hear a guy talk about a girls hair"

"That's good but also disturbing to know"

"Moving on im tired so let's go to sleep already"

(Sunoo literally goes out like a light)

[wow I couldn't even do that if tried]

(I sneak up stairs to Keiko's room)

(End of jungwons pov)

(Start of Keiko's pov)

(I feel someone pick me up)

(I rub my eyes)

"Jungwon?..... what are you doing?"

"Taking you to where I used to hang out"

"What time is it?.."

"3:10 am why do you ask?"

"Because it's still extremely dark out"

(Insert me and jungwon being in the forest AT 3:10 AM.)

The man in the painting (jungwon ff) Where stories live. Discover now